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Comments 4
Plus, I've been accused of being nosy before.
Men will FEEL when we INSPIRE them, we will INSPIRE them when they FEEL. Such is the nature of duality. Whose idea was this man/woman dynamic anyway?
Dude got empathic with a nightingale: not the world's most trustworthy source of deep insight. Plus, you know, the opiates. (Wasn't he into the opiates? weren't they all? Is this an attempt at character assassination against a man who is *already dead*?)
plus: opportunity for chiasmus notwithstanding, that looks more like a tautology or a bootstrap levitation than a duality. also, it's bullshit.
he said, not bothering to explain in depth because he should be working. People will feel when they are presented something which inspires feeling. also a tautology, but a more honest one.
I can never tell how much y'all mean this stuff.
I'm sure you know more about duality and tautology than I do, but Deema knew what I meant. Yes, people should feel when presented with inspiration, but in the uncertain nature of communication between a man and a woman, it doesn't always work that way. Sometimes people choose not to feel. They deny that inspiration, and leave others wondering if they ever inspired. And the uncertainty of feeling in that position is not bullshit, it's probably more common in females than you think.
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