Can't fight an Eclipse.

Aug 09, 2007 17:22

Review of Eclipse

At first I decided that I would have lots quotes, but frankly I don't have time for that at the moment.
Long,loooong entry, I don't think i've ever been that invested in writing a review of fandom before! )

eclipse, review

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brasaremean August 10 2007, 00:00:11 UTC
+Sam/Emily. Because I've got no pity for Leah, uh... well sort of.

actually, i completely failed to see anything romantic about it. i also failed to see anything similar between jacob and leah, as stephenie's obvious intention was - to make us see another triangle and then compare i with edward/bella/jacob and then be all like "OMG HE'S IN SO MUCH PAIN" (im doing the pain thing on purpose). i can sympathize with leah. she WAS with sam. they loved each other. he was abruptly taken away from her, and she couldn't do anything about it. IT ISN'T ANYTHING LIKE JACOB'S SITUATION. with jacob it was still bella's free will. it's not like edward forced her to choose him. he even said she should choose jacob. aw edward.

+That Note Edward left for Bella when he went hunting. IT WAS WAY TOO SWEET.

like i said. aw edward.

+Edward asking Bella if she only wanted to be a vampire because of the immortality business.

i totally didn't see this coming. i didn't even think of it. and i mean, i kind of, just kind of was a bit, a tiny little bit pissed off at him. why in the world would he think that?!

and now for the fun part.

+Bella's complete disregard of Edward's feelings. I guess that this is what makes me dislike the book so much.

See,Bella was a bit whiny in NM and I tolerated that. I mean she was all over the place thinking she was having it worse than anybody and i'm dead sure a lot of people had it worse than her, Edward had it worse than her for obvious reasons. You may think that i'm completely out of it, to say something like that but the thing is that after Edward was gone and time passed she did started to see Jacob in a different light, proving that he wasn't as IMPORTANT as she claims him to be, what did Edward do though when he thought she was dead? He went to kill himself, he didn't stick around waiting to find someone else, if you get what I mean.

i'm just happy we didn't see the pain edward went through because of this separation. the pain bella went through killed me dead, i swear. it was so real. but no matter how much i felt for her i know i would have felt for edward even more. even the little bit when edward received that phone call from rosalie on stephenie's site? it broke my heart.

Now on Eclipse, she irritated me to a whole different level. You know why? It would have been sort of fine if she felt something for Jacob, but not something as BIG as she made it out to be, It simply doesn't make sense considering everything presented in the previews books. Why would you feel something like after knowing the 'love of your existence?'. I mean if you are already into that relationship, when you are willing to die and become something else, you are ready to leave everything left behind, why would you let someone else in if you loved that other person so much, if you were willing to die just to listen to his voice.

uh because obviously stephenie thinks more people should like jacob, and making bella fall in love with him will make us like it. i just can't get over it. how she was all OMG LIKE JACOB LIKE JACOB EVEN BELLA LIKES JACOB. sorry steph, but our eyes are only for edward. ok well no. i don't even think she realized RIGHT, i don't think she even loves him. there's this huge difference between gratitude and love. but a person feeling gratitude usually can't tell the difference. even when he kissed her all of those things she saw (the babies, wtf) were because HE WAS HUMAN, and she was making a decision on whether to stay one as well, and obviously she can't have babies if she's a vampire, and there he was a perfect candidate to father her freaky children and she thought OH JACOB TOTALLY SAVED ME SO I SHOULD HAVE HIS BABIES NOW and omg this doesn't even make sense in my own head but i'm still gonna continue saying it. end.


dmitup August 11 2007, 18:44:14 UTC
Actually,I thought it was a bit off for him to ask that, but I was more than happy that he did, because really, maybe she's not doing it just to be immortal, but she's doing it because she wants to be beautiful, so he was sort of right about something.


I was laughing my ass off when I read somewhere that she said that it was going to be difficult to hate on Jacob after this book, I'm not hating on Jacob!the friend but I'm hating on The manipulator!forceful!jake.

I KNOW! The only reason she saw it was because he was human, that's why I said that if SM wanted to represent the idea of Bella having options, she could have done it better. I mean really, where did this SUN-WISE LOVE FOR JACOB CAME FROM? WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?!


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