Can't fight an Eclipse.

Aug 09, 2007 17:22

Review of Eclipse

At first I decided that I would have lots quotes, but frankly I don't have time for that at the moment.

First of all, I'm not one of those who absolutely loved it. It's odd, because I've read reviews that agree on my point of view,but loved it.

I think that 'Eclipse' is way too confusing. What's coming on the next book is completely unclear. For instance,the epilogue, was it a way of having Jacob turning into a werewolf forever or was it about him deciding to control his emotions for Bella? I'd like to think it's the second option, but i'm not sure.

Also, was I the only one who thought that Bella is doing the whole marriage thing because she felt forced to do it? I didn't feel the sense that she realized how much she hurt Edward.

Ok, First I'll start with the things I liked from the book:

+ Although I felt like this was the 'I'll just add almost-everybody past story so It'll be 4th book instead of 3'book. I loved Jasper's story. It makes you see why he attacked Bella in NM to a whole new level. Plus we got Awesome Jasper/Alice moments.

+ I have new found love for Emmett. He's beyond awesome. I just loved how spontanous he is! Emmett/Rosalie make a lot more sense to me now. Oh and don't get me started on how much I loved that Jasper and Emmett were betting to see how much people Bella would kill, biggest WTF ever but Still loved it.

+ Angela,somehow I just find her to be a great person. Suddenly I'm contemplating the idea of Edward/Angela,hmmm...

+Jacob as Bella's friend. THAT'S IT. I think it was important for Bella to have a friend figure, because really apart from Jacob, who else was her real friend? Why doe Authors feel the need to ruin the value of friendship to turn it into something more? OK,OK. I need to stop here or else I'll start ranting, and that's for later.

+Sam/Emily. Because I've got no pity for Leah, uh... well sort of.

+That Note Edward left for Bella when he went hunting. IT WAS WAY TOO SWEET.

+Edward asking Bella if she only wanted to be a vampire because of the immortality business.


Now right now, I can't think of anything else that I absolutely loved. NOW ONTO THE RANTING :D

Things I absolutely disliked.

+Bella's complete disregard of Edward's feelings. I guess that this is what makes me dislike the book so much.

See,Bella was a bit whiny in NM and I tolerated that. I mean she was all over the place thinking she was having it worse than anybody and i'm dead sure a lot of people had it worse than her, Edward had it worse than her for obvious reasons. You may think that i'm completely out of it, to say something like that but the thing is that after Edward was gone and time passed she did started to see Jacob in a different light, proving that he wasn't as IMPORTANT as she claims him to be, what did Edward do though when he thought she was dead? He went to kill himself, he didn't stick around waiting to find someone else, if you get what I mean.

Now on Eclipse, she irritated me to a whole different level. You know why? It would have been sort of fine if she felt something for Jacob, but not something as BIG as she made it out to be, It simply doesnt make sense considering everything presented in the previews books. Why would you feel something like after knowing the 'love of your existence?'. I mean if you are already into that relationship, when you are willing to die and become something else, you are ready to leave everything left behind, why would you let someone else in if you loved that other person so much, if you were willing to die just to listen to his voice.

Not only did I felt that SM forced all of this Jacob stuff on us, I feel that it was all over the top, because if the point of Eclipse was to show that Bella's love for Edward overshadowed everything else, I think it was done poorly. See, in Twilight, we fell for Edward/Bella and their chemistry. I mean you can't have doubts that Edward loves Bella, because really if he didn't he wouldn't have put himself and his family through so much when Bella was 'kidnapped' at the end. Their love was described in a really great form, now on NM we have Edward leaving because he feels like he had her in too much danger and he was taking away her human experiences, he did it because he thought it was best for him, he was sacrificing his relationship with Bella for her safety. I mean you can't get any better than that. But now on Eclipse we have this love-triangle. We have bella saying that Edward is it for her but somehow all she cares about is Jacob's pain. The whole book was about Jacob being in pain.

1. Fine, Edward wouldn't let her go to see him at first, but he had he his reasons. You would think that she would have been ok with staying with her soon to be family, but no, she just kept complaining about everything and not being to see Jacob, who was still in pain.
2. The only time she has quality time with Edward, you know not actually thinking of Jacob, she starts to beg for sex. Ugh, wtf?! The only few times I noticed her interested in Edward was because she wanted to have sex, she was Jealous when she found out another attractive vampire was interested in him, and the one time it seemed that she really loved him, was when she asked him to stay with her instead of going to the 'war'.

Yeah yeah, whatever. I really thought that she would have had a better reason not to marry Edward! I just can't believe that it was over the fact that she was afraid of people thinking she was pregnant! BIGGEST WTF EVER. Really, you are turning into a vampire really soon, you practically won't ever see them again and you are afraid of what they would think, really.... REALLY?! BUT SHE'LL MARRY HIM ALRIGHT, IF HE HAS SEX WITH HER. I just can't stress this enough, what kind of love is this when you accept marriage for such a reason? Sure, you hate the concept of marriage and all that, but the only reason that makes you go through it is sex. Now, on the subject of marriage, I hate Bella's attitude towards Edward's feelings when it comes to marriage. Here we clearly have Edward doing everything in the name of their love(mixing with Werewolves and all) but her whole attitude towards Marriage infront of him was disgusting."Show me the DAMN ring,Edward" I just can't believe she said that. Think about it, why would say that to someone who keeps telling you how much he loves you and how he has been waiting for you for decades?

Like I was saying, if you want to claim Edward and you have an Eclipsing love, then please, just show it. You can't have an entire book that goes : jacobjacobjacobjacobjacobjacobjacobjacobedwardjacobjacobjacobjacob
jacobjacobjacobedward and then expect us to believe that.

The book should have been more balanced, because if she chose Edward at the end she could have shown why, not just say he's the one you can't live without and leave it at that.

See as soon as he pulled out the Bella I love you card and what he tried to do next he started to make me really mad. I mean , I couldn't have been the only one who was troubled when he forced himself on Bella?
I just can't believe that he told Bella that Edward was the manipulator and that she just couldn't see it. See, I somehow didn't see Edward saying he'd kill himself if she didn't want him back.BECAUSE THAT RIGHT THERE, WAS THE MOST DESPERATE ACT I'VE SEEN SOMEONE DO. I was shocked beyond words when I read that for the first time. I highly doubt Jacob loves Bella more than Edward, I mean he wouldn't even stay with her because he wanted to go to the fight, when edward stayed while having his family in danger.

He also pulled out Edward's 'I'll be waiting in the wings' line. I mean C'MON! I'm sure SM could have used another expression to make it look like he wasn't copying Edward, but she didn't which makes me sure that he did copy Edward.

I guess that what bothered me the most was Bella's sudden realization that she did Love Jacob, because like what I've said before, it messes with everything shown in the past books and because her whole 'I saw our life together and I want it bad,Jake.' GOD! That right there makes you wonder a lot, how can say that you can't live without Edward but you can also imagine a life without him having little Jacob's running around?'. What makes it worse is that it was towards the ending of the book.

Finally, I'd like to mention one thing that I did like about Jacob, his 'I can handle the clouds but I can't handle an eclipse'. That right there was awesome. Although it makes me sad that it didn't come from Bella,wtf.

Flist: About the epilogue, I was wondering, what's your take on it? Do you think Jacob will keep getting in the way of Edward/Bella? Somehow I don't since, there wouldn't have been any point for the epilouge for me then. I think there will be some mentions but that it won't be that much of a problem.


Now, I left this for last. It's amazing how my love for Edward could grow so much from this book considering that we 'barely' saw him.

My heart breaks for Edward, you know why? He told her that he was waiting all of these years for her, and of that there is no doubt about that, I mean why else would he still be with Bella after all of the Jacob-fest. He has never had eyes for someone else and yet he has to be Bella's blanket while she cries over another man she loves(...). I mean, why does Bella keep going and going about Jacob's pain when Edward is clearly suffering too? Isn't he the love of her existence?

Just because Jacob uses his pain as a way of getting to her, which I think is just wrong. Edward doesn't. One of the reasons that I love the Conversation in the tent is because we got to know a lot from Edward's mind. I just don't understand why people think Edward is perfect, he is far from it,really. He won't use his pain as a way of getting advantage of her, he knows that it makes her suffer too so he won't do it.

I mean, all Bella could think of was How Jacob was in pain AGAIN! when he found out they were going to get married, but did she really stop to think how Edward felt when he found out she kissed Jacob back? We didn't get much of a reaction from him, which made me glad because it shows how Selfless Edward is, on the other hand we have Bella wanting to change Edward by asking him to be angry at her, wtf? Does she really know him?

Then we have her wishing she had another set of arms around her when Edward was comforting her, WTF?! Like he isn't doing enough.

You know what this book missed? an explanation from Bella to Edward telling him why she chose him over Jacob, not just a 'easy, you are the one I can't live without' crappy line. IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE FOR HER TO BE ALL OVER THE PLACE BECAUSE OF JACOB THE WHOLE DAMN BOOK AND JUST THROW ONE LINE AT EDWARD SAYING WHY CHOSE HIM. k, i'm done with Caps ='D

Now, I strongly believe that Bella needs to realize the damage she has done. Not just 3 or 4 lines on how she feels like a horrible person, and let everything be fine and dandy in 'Breaking Dawn'. I want to see what Edward went through this whole thing, my dream chapter for ' Breaking Dawn' is Emmett talking to Bella telling her to stop hurting Edward so much,ugh... anyone of the family would do but especially Jasper,Esme or Emmett.

Oh,whoa... I almost forgot about adding this, the one thing that annoyed me the most from the book was that Bella did listen through their conversation in the tent and she still went ahead with everything that she did and I don't recall her ever apologizing. Just because Edward is more mature doesn't mean he can take everything thrown at him, give me a break. Why does he really need to be a masochistic lion?

So for me, Bella is ungrateful,selfish and doesn't deserve Edward. I didn't get the feeling that she decided to go with the whole marriage stuff because she realized that she did want to marry him or that she realized the whole damaged that she did, it just looked like she was forced to do it.

Oh, I think that I should say this before I finish, I keep reading everywhere I go that it is accepted that Bella did all of that just because she's human, uhhhmm... Somehow that doesn't make any sense to me, because Edward makes mistakes too but somehow I don't see him not taking Bella's feelings in consideration, in fact, that's all I see him do.

So like I asked Before, what's your take on the epilogue ,what do you think is going to happen in BD and do you think SM noticed how she made Edward the punching bag in Eclipse?


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eclipse, review

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