Can't fight an Eclipse.

Aug 09, 2007 17:22

Review of Eclipse

At first I decided that I would have lots quotes, but frankly I don't have time for that at the moment.
Long,loooong entry, I don't think i've ever been that invested in writing a review of fandom before! )

eclipse, review

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calikalie August 9 2007, 22:47:58 UTC
Oh god, yes. All of it. One big WORD. I'm putting this in my memories, because it sums up a lot of my things perfectly. After reading everyone's thoughts, I'm starting to think I need more pro-Edward and Edward/Bella fans on my flist, because they are sorely lacking representation :( I just can't share in the "Jacob is the best ever" squeeage after this book.

As for the epilogue, I'm really hoping for the latter. Since SM loves Jacob so much, I highly doubt she would leave off the series for him in a bad way. And since he's only really been looking at Bella, he hasn't had the chance to imprint yet. So, I'm also holding out for that to happen sometime in BD (hopefully, because I can't take any more of Jacob pining after Bella and forcing kisses and such).

You know, I'm really quite nervous about BD because of Eclipse. It's freaking me out now. Then I read this. And my good mood and optimism came back for me.

There is just so much I want to say in response to this other than the fact that I agree wholeheartedly, but my brain is absolute mush right now :( Why must Stephenie toy with me like this? Woe.


usedtobending August 10 2007, 01:27:02 UTC
Gah! I know what you mean about the Jacob love and the defense of his manipulating ways and such. I read the book early and the only reviews I could find were exactly that. I honestly couldn't believe that I was reading the same book as them lol.

But there are a lot of pro-Edward reviews coming out that say everything I am thinking and defend Edward properly so I am happy :D And IA you need to find more pro-Edward and E/B, it really is refreshing :D


calikalie August 10 2007, 02:24:46 UTC
No kidding! I'm so glad that finally all of the Edward fans are coming out of the woodworks and expressing their thoughts, because I honestly thought I was crazy. And it's so hard, because I want to like Jacob in this book. I really do. But I just can't. I was one of those that read the book early also.

I feel really lame for saying this because it's my own journal, but it's gotten to the point where I don't even want to say anything negative about Jacob or something pro-Edward or pro-E/B for fear of people pouncing on me :(

I bet it would be refreshing, because nearly my entire flist is a Jacob lovefest and while I did like him circa-New Moon, my interest in Edward is totally eclipsing (I couldn't resist) that feeling right now.

By the way, do you mind if I friend you? I could absolutely get use to more people more in tune with how I feel about these books :)


usedtobending August 10 2007, 04:13:15 UTC
I thought Jacob was tolerable, until the last few chapters...he really got to me. Both him and Bella actually. Every time I read a pro-Jacob review it makes me angrier and my dislike hate grows lol.

I would really be interested in witnessing (not partaking) in a good Edward vs Jacob debate. A lot of the Jacob reviews seem pretty solid, but they tend to ignore the morals and ethics of what's acceptable in civil society lol. I think fangirling aside, a lot of Edward fans have very good arguments why Edward > Jacob.

That does suck that you don't feel comfortable in your own journal, it's hard to ignore that. That's why I'm ignoring most twilight communities right now lol. I just wish they would admit that Jacob was shady and manipulative and Bella was selfish--and if they say they don't care and they still love him it makes me feel less guilty for wanting to slap them (jk) ;)

I don't mind at all! I kind of wanted to add you in the past but I was kind of scared *hides* I didn't really review the book in my journal though, but I'll help you fight off the Jacob fans :D


dmitup August 10 2007, 03:07:47 UTC
You know what hurts the most? I never really expected to be toyed with in Twilight, I never imagined that. It just never occurred to me since well, the way that their love was described was so 'strong'. Now we are facing a RT case. Really, she literally forced Jacob/Bella, you could tell by how she had them holding hands all the time, always having them so close to each other, it was just all really uncalled for.

It completely ruined the idea of the books for me, I also read brasaremean post. It made more hopeful, that's for sure it's just that SM should have written it better. Now, she's already writing BD, just imagine if she didn't do it on purpose and she's already on a Jacob-BD-fest. I would tear up and leave fandom all together, lol... well not really but I would be really pissed off.

It's sad, isn't it? I think I can count to 15 people who I've seen worried about the whole mess up with Edward/Bella, the rest is loving Jacob and his 'manipulator' behavior. How does that make him the better man?

I'm so glad you agree, because really, at first I thought I was going crazy, everywhere I went everyone loved Jacob/Bella. ACK!


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