time for more debate bloggin', you betcha :-)

Oct 07, 2008 21:00

Let's see how this goes...

9:05pm: nice for Obama to point out the AIG post-bailout stupidity

9:10pm: and "suspending" your campaign is now looked on as one of your biggest mistakes; I call bullshit on blaming Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac -- look at the banks & mortgage brokers that facilitated these loans, and the outright fraud they perpetrated

9:15pm: nice counterpunch by Obama

9:17pm: nice rhetoric from McCain, but no, unfortunately, we're NOT the best any longer

9:21pm: "trying to address climate change" -- you mean that topic your running mate doesn't believe is man-made?

9:23pm: yup, gotta make sure to mention the terrorists

9:26pm: I like Obama's prority ranking, and the fact that he inserted education as a priority; the nod to Kennedy's challenge to reach the moon in ten years was a nice touch

9:31pm: Obama's response started slowly, and I'm surprised he invoked memories of 9/11, but he finished smoothly, including Peace Corps expansion plans

9:34pm: "people like Senator McCain & myself, who don't need help, won't get it" -- good shot

9:36pm: yeah, John, about that healthcare plan tax credit...

9:40pm: okay, and WHAT EXACTLY IS IT WE KNOW about how to fix Social Security? you missed that part, John...

9:45pm: way to point out McCain's experience working against him, and so much for "drill, baby, drill"

9:48pm: we've got to drill now, but IT WON'T HAVE ANY IMPACT FOR TEN YEARS, YOU TWIT!!!

and somewhere in here is where I fell asleep :-(

overall, I'm hearing it was, at worst, a tie for Obama, which is as good as a win in his case. I'll have to see if I can catch a CNN replay at some point.
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