with all due respect to my friends who may be in marketing and/or advertising

Oct 03, 2008 13:04

most people involved in those fields are utterly useless, and should be shot to remove them from MY misery...

How fucking intelligent does one need to be to, oh, I don't know, KEEP an appointment sent to your calendar (and accepted by you) three days prior, or actually give a flying damn to check that the files that you sent me actually contain the content you supposedly so carefully built?

I guarantee I know what happened in the latter case, these twits opened the .zip file, modified one file, saved it, and though that it saved back into the .zip file. Chances are, their carefully crafted content is sitting in someone's \Windows\tmp or \My Documents folder.


fuggit, I'm in Cincy this weekend with my sweetie... they've got 60 minutes to get the damn thing to me, or else it's happening Monday...
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