Valentine For:
gravidy Title: The Quick Slickers
allthingsgoodType of Valentine: Art
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J K Rowling. No profit is being made.
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Notes: Hope you enjoy this,
gravidy! All additional credits are in the final notes.
Summary: "He had fallen into a deep cynicism over what had crossed his path and plotted the imperfectability of man...enough to keep his mind from the edges of decadence."
"The Quick Slickers"
(Full size version) _ _ _ _
Final Notes:
The text says "I'm in a superior class. You are, too. We are philsophers." and
"When he crept shivering into bed, it was with his mind aglow with ideas and a sense of shock that someone else had discovered the path he might have followed."
Both quotes are from This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I'm on a Fitzgerald kick lately and I thought these quotes were really suitable for the two. The text from the summary is also from the same book.
The pictures with the two pairs of legs walking--they're actually walking in the rain. But, being the doofus I am, I resized them too much.
Credit where credit is due.
And, finally, gravidy's request:Would you prefer an art or fic valentine? Either, any rating.
Describe your ideal valentine in as few words as possible: A walk in the rain. A desperate or oddly out of character decision. Someone's last words. (That sounds dramatic, but really it doesn't have to be. It could be Uncle Bob's last words ten years ago were "Pull my finger")
Dealbreakers (absolute no-no's): Draco and Hermione aren't allowed to kill each other (or Harry--I lurv Harry) anyone else is up for grabs.