Mar 05, 2008 00:59
I would like to thank you for the fantastic job you did with my kids when you were here. Both groups got division I ratings and I told Rachel that YOU got a I rating!!!!!!
A lot of kids say HI and they miss you.
Marge Caid
Director of Bands
Constantine Public Schools
I am really excited about this. I mean, I certainly can not take all of the credit because of course their teacher came in the last few weeks before festival and most of all that the students were wonderful and talented, but I'm still pumped. I mean, when I got there the middle school hadn't even looked at their music before, and when I left a month later, all that needed to be done was some cleaning. The high school had read their music before so Rachel and I worked out most of the kinks and did some cleaning as well. I'm really proud of myself, and extremely proud of the students. Even though the rating isn't everything, it's sure nice when you get that I. :)