WIP sentence meme

Mar 04, 2009 13:12

Saw this all over:

Post a single sentence from each WIP you have (or as many as you want to pick). No context, no explanations. No more than one sentence.

I think I'm only going to complete 1, 3 and 5, but I might take up the others too, depending on my mood.

1. "Kal, there's a danger..."

2. In the beginning he found it very difficult, for he had not been used to working as a servant, but in less than two months he grew stronger and healthier than ever.

3. The Batman never smiles.

4. The last thing he remembered clearly was flying home from a mission with the Justice League (another alien invasion of Earth only narrowly averted) when he'd been hit with some sort of kryptonite powered beam...

5. The passion he showed was quite inappropriate in front of a third person, too intimate, but propriety didn't seem to concern this new version of Clark that Lex had ended up with.

6. It'd been a hard day and Clark was tired.


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