Uncomfortable Phone Call

Mar 02, 2009 14:59

Can you imagine taking a call from a prospective tenant turned down for an apartment because of what our employer's background check provided?


Irate denied rental applicant:  "I am NOT a sex offender, why is it saying I am in all these counties?"

Cautious Tech Support Agent at Credit reporting company:  "Uhm, it's because it's saying it checked all those counties and didn't find any records.  At the top there, you see where it says no records found?"

Irate denied rental applicant: "So when the landlord said he denied me based on my background check it was because of the Theft by Deception conviction I had because of the bank?"

Cautious Tech Support Agent at Credit reporting company: "Uhm, yes, I would think so...."

(Although I didn't say it, I wanted to say, Yes, it was because you were bouncing checks so much that you actually got arrested for it...)


real life

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