Anyone Know the Post limit on LJ?

Sep 10, 2007 00:13

Okay, I was going to post a subject chapter tonight that I've done, but LJ's built-in rich text editor wouldn't let me.

It said the post was too large.

Before anyone gets too excited:

That post was going to be private because I want to unlock them all at the same time,  It might be something like 4 or 5 chapters because of the post limit problem I ran into.  However, I will post them all once they're all done and the last chapter is very, very close...

I've looked and looked and couldn't find the posting limit described anywhere in the LJ FAQ's on posting...

Does anyone on my flist know what the size limit is?

Would it help if I use an external client (I use the Rich Text built-in editor) or will any method of posting going to have the same lmit?

I'm going to have to move around the chapter breaks so they'll fit so it would be helpful I knew what the post limit was.

I don't want to have to guess and try to move around the breaks in a haphazard way... That'll take too much time.

Let me know, if you do know.



Oh, btw: If you're curious, here's my current word meter on Subect:

155,000 / 160,000

writing, live journal annoyances

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