What I've written in 2009

Dec 18, 2016 23:03

It's not much, but here it is...

Won't bother to put this behind the cut since it's such a short list.  Didn't realize I'd done so little this year, but it's been a tough year: lost a job, got another harder one that I actually like more and still pays better. (It's a win/win that, the original company went under since I got laid off so I would have been let go by the end of the year anyway, so they actually did me a favor letting me go when they did... I feel lucky, even if I don't have much free time to write fics right now.  Didn't realize how much time I spent writing at work before, probably why they went belly up: having so little work for their employees to do, business had gotten so bad.)

Anyway, the list:

Touched, a sequel to Strange and Beautiful - Clex, World's Finest, R for themes (no graphic depictions of sexual content).  Posted on 8/5/09, in two parts.

Part One | Part Two

Summary: This takes place about a month after previous events, Lex discovers he hadn't really anticipated all of the consequences of the spell that had made Clark his. He also discovers that Bruce keeps his promises.

Superman for Sale - Clex Mostly R, NC-17 in some chapters:  first section posted on 8-6-06 and last updated 2-21-08  4-7-08  6/23/08 8/10/08 9/18/08  12/15/08 01/19/09 completed 05/05/09

See the Index of all chapters HERE

Summary: Clark goes missing and Lex tries to figure out why.  He ends up "buying" Superman from a kidnapper, who had put him under a spell... Clark agrees to live with Lex to "pay him back" for the ransom he'd paid, but things don't go as well as Lex would have hoped once Superman moves in. (Far more humorous than the description might otherwise indicate...)

fic, index

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