A Conversation with Adrian Paul

Feb 09, 2007 20:47

I was the lucky winner of the conversation with Adrian Paul during the Highlander Worldwide Auction. Overall, I found him very charming and easy to talk to. I had missed an earlier call and when he called tonight I was on the phone. I have call waiting so I switched to see who it was. He immediately offered to call back later if it would be more convenient. However, my understanding husband on the other line ended our conversation so I could take the call. We sort of jumped around on topics so I’ll try to group by subject.

The Source:
Adrian saw what was to be the final cut. He had the opportunity to provide input (among others I guess) and it is being recut. They did not have the opportunity to go to Scotland to do any filming. He thought it would probably be a DVD release but that is being decided. He advised that he was a creative, in the field executive producer and not a financial person. I asked about the script. He wished that there was more of David A’s work in the final script. For those on the official forum, I asked about the Peter Brigg’s script. He didn’t think there was much/any left from the early scripts. However, he did say that the actors had a great deal of freedom to improvise within bounds and that his role as executive producer helped that happen. Adrian said that the movie has a great look and that there is some great stuff in it. I asked if Duncan and Methos had their heads and were immortal at the end. He just laughed and asked if I really expected him to answer that. I told him that I had to try. I got the feeling that he has mixed emotions about The Source. He made a couple of comments such as I could only push the envelope so far, in some ways my hands were tied, it was the best I could do. He definitely thinks everyone is going to have an opinion about the movie; no one will walk away without a strong reaction. They are working on the special effects now and he plans to have a couple more installments of his post production notes on the website.

The Series
After asking about Scotland, I mentioned that Homeland was one of my favorite episodes. He said that being the director of that episode was like being thrown in the fire with all the problems they had filming. However, at least the helicopter didn’t crash. He really enjoyed being director and that directing is something that he always wants to do. He then mentioned what a wonderful group of people he worked with during the show and how fortunate it was.

He then mentioned that the bad weather during filming in Scotland ended up being good because you don’t expect Scotland to be sunny, it was more authentic. He then said that he enjoyed the trip to Scotland last year. I admitted I’ve never been to a HLWW event and would not be at Vancouver but hoped to attend one later because I had heard great things about the conventions. He praised HLWW, saying what a great job that they do and how well they organize. He’s been to other events that were poorly run. When I hoped they would continue having events, he joked that he would probably still be doing them when he was in a wheel chair. He said the Highlander universe is still going strong with the comic and the cartoon show as well as the Source. The Highlander Universe is truly immortal.

We briefly discussed the Tsunami relief efforts and the need to help the children who don’t have the resources to eventually recover. PEACE is running a fundraiser with MACY’s coming up which is an opportunity to raise money for children’s charities.

Other Projects-
Adrian thought that Séance would be available on DVD. He isn’t sure what is happening with Lost Colony. It is a very different movie that Roanoke which he saw and thought was very slow moving. The Lost Colony is more of a science fiction take on what happened to the people while keeping the drama as real as possible. He has a possible new project but with independent films, financing drives the what and where.

Peter Wingfield-
I asked Adrian if he had the opportunity to see any of Peter’s recent work. He immediately brought up Holby City, saying that because it was a British drama he had not been able to see it. However, he clearly keeps up with what Peter is doing.

All in all, it was a great conversation.
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