Psychopomp 03/0?

Jul 16, 2008 12:45

Chapter Two

Delores was out front meeting a new remedial skills hire and putting on her famous “big brown eyes” speech when the two strangers, a man and a woman, walked in.

As Delores saw that the newcomers were dressed in conservative black outfits, she signed. Not a good sign. Damnit, what did one of our hires do now?

“Hi there, I'm Delores Herbig, Administrative Assistant for new hires here at Happy Time. Can I help you?”

Both the man and woman pulled out billfolds, unfolding them to reveal golden shields and ID cards with the words 'FBI' emblazoned on them.

“Agents Mulder and Scully. FBI. We're here to talk with one of your workers. A Mildred Hagen,” said the dark haired man.

Oh dear, what have you gotten into now, Millie?

“Is it anything serious? Millie's one of my best workers, and I'd hate to lose her.”

“We'd like to talk to her about anything she might have seen as a witness in a case we're following up on,” said Scully, taking the lead.

“Oh. Well, follow me and I'll take you to Millie.”

As they walked through the Happy Time cubicle farm, Mulder leant over to Scully, and in a quiet voice said, “Scully, I think I may have found something worse than Hell.”


“None other.”

Meanwhile, in her cubicle, George was playing a rather mean game of tiddlywinks with office supplies when Delores' voice interrupted her mental fugue.

“Millie, there are some people from the FBI to see you.”

Oh shit, Delores caught me playing ag....FBI? Fuck Fuck Fuck!

Despite her inner turmoil, George put on a neutral face and spun around in her seat.

“Is it about that murder case? I already talked to the police about it.”

When he saw Mildred's face, Mulder did a double take. For a moment; he swore that he had seen someone else, instead of Mildred Hagen. Shaking it off, he continued with the standard FBI followup questions.

“I know you already talked to the police about it, but we're here for a follow-up to catch anything you may have missed the first time around.”

“I already told the police everything, you probably have it in that folder you're holding,” snapped George, gesturing towards the folder in Scully's hands.


There it was again, thought Mulder.

“Yeah, we do,” he stated “But pretend we don't have it.”

“Okay, fine.”

“Did you know the deceased, a Mr Phillips?”


“Why were you in that hotel?”

“Alcoholics Anomyous meeting.”

“Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, and full trance mediums?”

What the fuck? Did he just say that?

“Uh, no. Definitely no to all that.”

After running through the other basic questions for a witness followup out of formality, Mulder nudged Scully in the shoulder.

“Thanks for your time, Miss Hagen. We really appreciate your willingness to answer our questions, no matter how strange they might sound.”

As they left George blinking in confusion behind them, Mulder leant over and whispered into Scully's ear.

“Did you notice it, Scully?”

“You confusing that woman, Mulder?”

“No, the moments where someone other than Mildred Hagen was in that seat.”


“Admit it, Scully, you saw it too.”

“It could have been a trick of the light, Mulder.”

“I saw a different woman four times, Scully. That's awfully regular for a trick of the light.”

“So what's your explanation this time, Mulder? That this woman is, what? A psychic on the run, who has assumed a different identity through astral projection?”

“Why Scully, I didn't know you took the X-Files that seriously.”


COMMENTARY: Okay, well, basically, Mulder and Scully can actually see through UnGeorge and see George's face albeit briefly every so often. This ties into the “living can see the undead's true faces on Halloween” theme, because on halloween, people are more open to the strange and unusual happening than on any other time of the year, and thus are more “receptive”.

Mulder and Scully have seen and been involved in so much strange stuff that they have a limited “halloween” vision year round - because if you believe in UFOs, alien abductions, etc what's a little belief in the undead walking the earth? Same thing I would imagine also applies to the Buffyverse gang, as well as the Supernatural cast.

I'd also imagine that Reggie has this ability too; she actually does believe that it's George looking over her, so she can break through the UnGeorge projection...

› by: thomaspower, pair: -none/gen-, - fanfiction -, [pov]: third person, [length]: serial, characters: ensemble, [rating]: ›m, › series: psychopomp, cross» dlm/x-files

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