Psychopomp 02/0?

Jul 16, 2008 02:41

Title: Psychopomp 02/0?
Author: ThomasPower
Characters: The DLM Gang and X-Files Gang
Rating/Length: R for strong language. Unknown length.
Disclaimer: Blah blah, I don't own DLM. If I did; it would be on it's fifth season. And if I owned the X-Files, I would never have moved it from Vancouver to Los Angeles, or have gone so heavy on the Alien Conspiracy stuff.

Summary: X Marks The Spot. That's all you need to know.

Minor Notes: Yes, I know that the X-Files ended a year before Dead Like Me began it's first season; but let's just imagine for a moment that this is the “Classic” X-Files, just timeshifted ahead for our purposes.

Chapter One:

As he opened the door to Bill Agberg's office, Mulder turned to Scully. “I went to Quantico with Bill here, and after we graduated, I did a few cases with him. He ended up rising to the top, while I rose to the bottom.”

“Mmmh,” replied Scully, putting on her best non-commital face.

“Good to see you, Bill. So what do we have here?”

“I was hoping you could tell me, Mulder,” replied the man sitting behind the desk as his two visitors seated themselves.

“Can you start from the beginning for both me and my friend here?”

“No problem. A detective with the Seattle PD came to me with some strange stuff he'd noticed while working his beat - which is investigating suspicious deaths, to determine whether they were truly accidental or murder. He noticed that people with the same descriptions tended to be around these deaths.”

“It could be coincidence. You know how unreliable eyewitnesses are. People tend to see what they want to see.”

“Normally, our detective would have thought that, Agent Scully; but quite a few of these deaths were captured on surveillance cameras, the footage of which I'm sure Agent Mulder has shown you.”

Agberg paused to take a sip from a bottle of spring water on his desk before continuing.

“Now, I'm sure you're going to say 'It could still be coincidence', Agent Scully. But that's the thing. Our detective noted that these people showed up for deaths all over the Seattle area, even ones fifty, sixty miles away from the metropolitan area.”

“Busy little bees, aren't they?” interjected Mulder.

“That they are. Our detective wasn't sure what to make of it; so he asked us to check our databases for death cults in the area. We came up blank. It was around that point that we got lucky.”

“While we weren't able to identify the male suspect other than the possibility of him being a local drifter, Seattle PD got lucky at a murder scene and interrogated a woman who had been on the scene of the crime, and what do you know, the woman turned out to be a close match for the female suspect.”

With that, Agberg tossed a file dossier onto his desk. As Scully picked it up and began to leaf through it, he continued.

“Name's Mildred Hagen. Works as an office worker for Happy Time downtown. Nearest as we can tell, she just appeared out of nowhere about a year or two ago.”

“Appeared?” asked Scully, her interest now piqued.

“We've got no record of that specific Mildred Hagen anywhere in the Northwestern region older than that, and there are some curious things about her documentation.”


“No. I don't think she's an illegal, Agent Scully. I briefly interviewed her on the phone, and she had specific knowledge about American pop culture that someone who grew up outside of the country wouldn't.”

“We ran her picture through the usual databases - Missing Persons, Missing & Exploited Children and such. No hits. We didn't have enough probable cause to detain her or bring her in for a talk, since she was pretty helpful in that specific case and gave us a solid lead on a suspect who's now in custody for Murder One.”

“But there's something about that woman. How does Mildred Hagen show up at these sites just before these deaths? We've got her confirmed on at least three separate locations, while we have that male suspect on six. I don't like mysteries; and the conventional approach has failed. Nobody else in the Bureau takes this seriously enough except you to devote any time to it.”

“Lucky us,” said Scully with a sigh as she flipped the file closed.

Several minutes later, as they waited outside the FBI offices for their elevator, Scully was the first one to break the silence.

“What now, Mulder?”

“I think it's time we paid Mildred Hagen a visit, Scully.”


COMMENTARY: Da Daaa daaa daaa dumm. I think you can guess who the "male suspect" is guys.

› by: thomaspower, pair: -none/gen-, - fanfiction -, [pov]: third person, [length]: serial, characters: ensemble, [rating]: ›m, › series: psychopomp, cross» dlm/x-files

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