Proud of You, Fandom

Mar 15, 2015 23:33

It is Sunday night and VegasCon is over. I have bever been so happy as I was to check out the pics, tweets and storify accounts dedicated to this.

First off, this makes me so deliriously happy, I can barely begin to say.

Photo credit: @JensenAckles

Photo credit: @huesiemama

Photo credit: @oohbarista

Photo credit: @HeartDoc112
I have to admit I am very proud that overall there did not seem to be any hate mongering going on for John. I read there was a standing O, which JDM totally deserves just for having to listen to the backlash against John. I love that he had such a good time and I can imagine he's going to try his best to do another con one day, but the man is crazy busy so I think all we can really do is hope for the best. I just know that there are a select few cons on my wish list - two, to be exact, after the New Jersey one that I am doing this year. But after this, I just added anywhere JDM will be, I want to be too. He seemed so happy to be with "his boys" (and even though he shares them with us, he claimed they were his first and I will always see them as his anyway) and I think I adore Samantha more than ever now too, by the way. Then I see that JDM's son and my son have the same birthday and he missed his son's this year just as I did (to be with my daughter on her Girl Scout trip) and that makes me happy too. (Not missing my son's birthday, of course, or JDM missing his either.) Now I know if I ever meet him, I'll have something to tell him.

I've always liked JDM a lot. Now I'm more enamored of him than ever and I wasn't even there to see this in person. My face would likely have broken if I had been there in person.

I don't know how they'll do it. Maybe they are saving John for the end of the series, but they better find a way to bring him back and give him the chance he wants to show all of us that John loves his sons. I think it will give the boys and the fans a chance for some much-needed healing.

Now to wait for the con videos!

P.S. J3; her name is Samantha and her character's son is Sam; his middle name is Dean, which is also his character's son...this stuff. Seriously. How do you not see this as one of those stars-aligning situations? Can't get any more perfect.


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