Unclear on the concept

Oct 08, 2008 13:30

Our synagogue hosts a preschool.  Some, but not all, of the classes are specifically Jewish in theme and focus.  The other day I saw something there which took me by surprise.

In the hallway outside each classroom is a row of coathooks, and most classes post the name of each child above a hook.  So far, so good - it gives each child the same place every day.  Some of the names are, shall we say, unique.  Above one hook, though, I saw a name I never expected to see in a synagogue:


Words fail me.  I understand the origins of the word, its use in linguistics, and all that, but really...  I don't understand the cluelessness of some people.  If they really wanted the name, and understood the connotations and uses, at the very least don't bring the kid into a synagogue.  Some of us are a little sensitive about stuff like this.

density of the population

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