So, I was reading a completely unrelated forum when some poster makes a point by referencing a term on TVTropes. Not completely understanding "killed on a bus" in context, I went to and searched for it. That's when I lost the last hour of my life to TVTropes.
I ended up surfing links from trope to trope, because each trope is explained with more tropes. It becomes this vicious, yet surprisingly fascinating, spiral that doesn't end until you A) hear the doorbell, B) get a phone call, C) need to pee, or D) find yourself withering in your chair from malnutrition.
It all started with "
Bus Crash" (killing a character off screen), which led to getting "
McLeaned" (killing a character off with vitriol), to "
Dropping A Bridge On Him" (ungraciously killing off a character, Capt Kirk style, as
Ronald D Moore did in Star Trek Generations), to getting "
Killed Off For Real" (we're really killing this character off, with fireworks!), to "
Deader Than Dead" (going beyond the veil to make sure this character is so dead, they never return), to "
Sealed Evil In A Can" (a genie, demon or arch villain stored away for later use), then off to "
Evil Is Not A Toy" (the principle of that which unleashes evil is devoured by evil).
After all that, I had to backtrack some and found myself going down other link paths. After an hour, I almost forgot how I got here in the first place. It was definitely amusing though.