
Nov 16, 2007 17:24

Recently I have been listening to the RZA album, Liquid Swords, released in 1996 while drinking tea:
in my strictly tea drinking alcove by my ferns and southfacing window. so_properly_neoepicurean.

I keep thinking, how fucking rad would a not-for-profit tea appreciation house be, which did proper chinese tea cerimony and played strictly Wu Tang records all day? The chinese kung fu films that influnced thier music, might prove interesting in how it affects the drinking of their tea-styles.

"Hey mendell, do you want to meet me at the The Wu Tang Tea House after 5?"

In traditional Korean tea cerimony, they have different styles of music playing for different types of tea (Black/Red Tea, Ti Gwan Yin, Green Tea, White Tea) which accentuate the flavours.

C.R.E.A.M (method man) for Creamy Oolong, Bring Da Ruckus (GZA, Ghostface) for Rock Tea, Sunshower (RZA) for Sundried Green Tea...?
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