By the lack of a stitch marker

Feb 04, 2008 19:20

Little girl has taken her new bed and her potty training and twisted it into an exhausting game of "stop the kid before she's running half-naked down the hall."  She knows that she can go potty whenever she wants to, so she uses it as an excuse to get out of bed every chance she gets. This has resulted in me ensconcing myself on the extra bed in her room and knitting until she falls asleep.  I was starting on a sweater for her tonight, but I didn't have any stitch markers with me and I didn't want to disturb her and start the whole process over again. Since my laptop was within reach, I thought I would actually update.

Keri was asking about avoiding the winter doldrums. Here's what I do:

-I buy two days worth of groceries at a time. Mostly because I can't concentrate enough to work out a list for more than that, and also because we would never leave the house if it wasn't for lack of food. That way I have to get out of my pajama/sweater/slipper combination, put on real clothes, and interact civilly with human beings.

-My african violet is flowering and that helps.

-I spastically throw myself into projects. I seriously have six quilting/knitting projects going on right now. If I start to get despondent about one of them, there's always another that will grab my attention. Of course, that costs money, but PA would prefer that over the Ginny that sits on the couch and snarls at him until the earth tilts back the other way.

-I don't get comfy in the depression. I get tired, get in a bad mood, and I can sit and list every single thing that is wrong with my life and with everyone around me. It's a familiar list and I can wallow in it. But, before you know it, I'm calling it "my precious" and I haven't been out of the darkness in days. So, yes, shit happens and it always seems to happen all at once, but I have to move on and put my mind elsewhere.  So I fix the things I am able to and remember that my life could be a lot worse.

-I remember that my kids are only approaching 2 and 4, and they don't have the ability to plot against me. When I take them to the playground and they spend the whole time hanging off of me and plundering my purse WHEN THERE'S PERFECTLY GOOD THINGS TO CLIMB ON, RIGHT OVER THERE, I have to chalk it up to "unknown reasons," not "trying to give me an aneurysm so they can have all the cookies."

-I get out of the house by myself. PA has always been sweet enough to watch the kids for me whenever I need to leave. All the moms out there know that there comes a time when you want to get in the car and drive until the street signs are in a different language. Most of us only make it as far as the coffee shop or book store. I went to McKays the other night, even though I had had only four hours of sleep and a stressful day with the kids. It was nice for so many reasons. I could decompress, screw my head back on straight, and have the attitude I needed to survive the rest of the week.

These are the things that have gotten me this far through the winter. Sure beats the alternative.

stress, love, kids

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