You'd think I've gone back to pre-Twitter days.
This is actually more of a plea to the fibery amongst you. If it's not obvious already, I'm sort of drifting away from using LJ as a journaling site. LJ is all well and good, but I need a fresh start. There are things I want to do with the shop that involve actually talking to people and explaining things, and I don't constantly want to link people to the shop as a first meeting point. So I've started a blog for the shop. I plan to have how-to's and contests, shop updates and random chitchat about my process and other fibery things. Recipes, animals, and the great outdoors might also figure.
I'm pathetically eager for people to visit it. Posting is sporadic right now, and I plan to properly launch on June 1 with a give-away contest and after that plan to post at least once a week. But it would be very sad if no one enters the inaugural contest because no one follows the blog! And so I'm coming to you all with hat in hand in hopes some folks will be interested.
*clicky for bloggy*
If anyone would like to do some reciprocal linking, I'm all for that. Just let me know where to link and I'd be happy to add it to the sidebar.