Lubricus: The Reunion! Portland, Oregon, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2020

Jan 23, 2020 23:27

We Have Almost as Many Registration Options as Voldemort Has Horcruxes

Registration for Lubricus 2020 opens on February 1 and we have lots of options to choose from. Here is an overview of what’s available…

  • Get Your Rocks Off ($140): This is a Basic Registration. Includes admission to all Lubricus programming, the arts & crafts fair, the Blue Ball, and the Morning After Breakfast.
  • Lend a Helping Hand ($175): This is a Sponsorship Registration No pillow princexes here - you want to help others reach their bliss by contributing an extra $35 toward our scholarship fund, so we can provide reduced-cost registrations to those who need financial assistance. Your registration includes admission to all Lubricus programming, the arts & crafts fair, the Blue Ball, and the Morning After Breakfast.
  • BDE (Big Donor Energy ($250): This is an Investor Registration. Like the Malfoys, you’re willing and able to provide financial support for a great cause. By purchasing this level of registration, you're helping us keep costs down for the Basic Registration, so our con is as accessible as possible for slash lovers of all means! This registration includes admission to all Lubricus programming, the arts & crafts fair, the Blue Ball, and the Morning After Breakfast.
  • No Strings Attached ($25): This is a Non-Attending Registration. You won’t be attending Lubricus, but you still want to show some love! Like the Hogwarts ghosts, you’ll be with us in spirit.
  • One Night Stand ($25): This is a ticket for admission ONLY to the Blue Ball on October 31, 2020. Dust off your dress robes and get ready for the HOTTEST Halloween party in town. These tickets can be purchased alone at any time, or as an add-on when you purchase any of the registrations listed below. Bring your friends, enemies, rivals, crushes, partners, favorite Quidditch star, etc. There will be a cash bar at the Ball where you can purchase drink tickets.

And don’t forget to check out our registration page and FAQ for additional details.

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth here. Comment here, there, or the other place, it's all good.

conventions, lubricus, fandom, slash

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