Lubricus: The Reunion! Portland, Oregon, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2020 "

Jan 09, 2020 09:40

Professor Snape is not pleased, but the slashy gang who brought you Lubricus in 2011 and 2012 is back and better than ever! Lubricus 2020: The Reunion will be a slash-filled weekend chock full of squee, old friends and new, smut, arts/crafts, food, dancing, and so much more! Programming is entirely attendee-driven, so that means you get to decide what kind of content you want to have at the con. Here are the key details you need to know…

Dates: October 29, 2020 to November 1, 2020

Location: Crowne Plaza Portland

Costs: Base registration starts at $140 with increasing levels of sponsorship registration

What is this con all about?

The Con That Shall Not Be Named (aka Lubricus) is a fan-inspired and fan-run wizarding slash convention presented by By Fans 4 Fans. Although the first two iterations of Lubricus were limited to Harry Potter slash, Lubricus 2020 will be mutlifandom. Because attendees get to determine the Slashy programming, we can't say what will be featured yet, but expect to see Doctor Who, Marvel/Avengers, Sherlock, Star Trek, Star Wars, Supernatural, and many more. Remember, you get to decide!


This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth here. Comment here, there, or the other place, it's all good.

conventions, reunion, lubricus, fandom, slash

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