Seeing this makes me angry and sad in turns. I feel horrible that people can actually do this to each other. And I want to go back in time and punch a whole mess of people in the face.
What makes me more sad is that these kinds of things still go on.
Gay people are still hung in Iran, just for being gay. Have we learned nothing?
We are wired to feel bad about hurting other people directly.
Ugh... I'm getting bitter, so it's probably best to go reset my brain with endorphins.
Edit: Climbing was tons of fun, even if I did bang myself around a lot and felt like I was going to rip my legs out of my pelvis.
Also, I finally had an idea for a Fetish Ball piercing project. On the SttP after-care brochure, there's a girl with a double line of beads down her back. I was thinking about doing something similar, but having the beads go down each arm and across my shoulder, having each line slant oppositely so that there's a triangle around the tattoo on my back. Yea or nea?