random words

Feb 16, 2005 22:42

I have kinda flu. And I am tired as hell. As a side note, my pc is going nuts: I can't connect to the net for more that 4-5 minutes, then the connection falls and I must shut down the system (and then switch it on again) to make the connection run again. Today, it took me 4 separate sessions of shut it down/switch it on just to read the messages on my friends' list... this is ridiculous. Of course I don't know what to do, this pc is pretty old, and it's a lot of time since I noticed the first problems. I guess I'll just have to wait, eventually pray the gods and hope for the bloody thing to come to life.
The perfect solution would be to buy a new one, a cool and updated model finally. Then, purchase a couple of machine guns too, and disintegrate this crap.
I am still surprised I could update a new review on Kaos Kulture, having the pc in such a messy condition. Ah, I've been promoted as official editor of the webzine (after being an external collaborator after more than a year). For those who know the site (and, most of all, for those who still don't), we are working hard to change the server, because the one we have now is shitty; then, it will be soon put online again our free Kaos Kulture radio, and in a near future we'll also have a completely new design and interface. Be afraid.
As another side note, last week I passed the exam of museology with a 30 cum laudam mark. Of course I am very satisfied with that :-) Next monday I have the one about restoring, I hope everything will be ok because I am pretty tired of studying, and need so bad a moment of peace...
Nice rehearsals with Mystical Fullmoon, we have almost finished also the Angelo Badalamenti track (a kind of dark/jazz experiment, very close to the style of Badalamenti, and near to the mood of Twin Peaks' soundrack), it sounds awesome. We just have to add the double bass, and the sax solo, and it will be complete. Another little step toward the end of this infinite pre-production.
Some little ego conflicts inside PK9. I am trying to stay on my own, this problem doesn't regard me.
And, as final information for tonight....

Tom Waits... charismatic story-teller with a
penchant for freaky people and unusual
settings. You thrive on the concept of the
underdog coming out on top.

Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
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