Chain E-mails are Laughable

Jan 06, 2006 11:45

"Men show their character in nothing more clearly than by what they find laughable."

I was checking my e-mail (as I often do), only to find about 10 chain letters sitting in my inbox. I am not really sure how they get around the way they do, but they usually stop in my inbox on the way to their deletion. I get them all too, like send this email out to all your friends and Bill Gates will give you money. I think if Bill wants to give me money, he can just take that off that money when I buy the next window (shutters) operating system. (by the way it's fake) Another personal favorite of mine is Baron VonMunchbutt in some country who is unable to get his inheritance. This is my personal favorite one, you give him money and like David Copperfield he will magically get his money and multiply your money. (I scares me that people fall for this one...He's a rich man(with no money) asking you a total stranger (rather than his friends) for money. laughable)
Other personal favorite are the ones that tug on your emotions. If you send this to X amount of people your true love will realize that he loves you. Yeah, I love when I send e-mails around and the act of e-mail actually makes someone realize they like me (sound more like magic then love). My favorite is that if you send this to X people God will bless you (I love how God holds his blessings for those who e-mail). I think we've all gotten these "Send it back so I know your a real friend (I am more of a friend for ignoring this stupidity).
Overall all I ask is that some sort of mega list should be created with a list of people who a gullible (and want these e-mails) and the rest it should treat as spam. I know some of them have cute stories (and sometimes fake) but these things (you'll know if you work in IT) spread like wildfire at work and I end up getting 3 copies of the same e-mail and if I don't send them back (which I don't) that I want to eat that persons first born child with mustard.
Who in God's name want these things.
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