"Lies, Lies, Lies Yeah!"

Sep 21, 2004 01:55

Long time, no update. Hasn't been much need for one...life has gone to hell.

...Or not. Just kidding!! Things have been okay...up and down. Never seem to have any luck with guys. I was stood up for a date last week...the guy never called. Hoping to do something this week with someone...we'll see if that works out.

The following is my work life in a nutshell as of recent:
CityBeat article on Article 12 (a non-biased explanation)
American Family Association: P&G Boycott -
take special note of this website. Read this part (it's a PDF file). The first page is true - a press release from our company, and our response when these narrow-minded "Christians" call us on the phones. The rest is all lies and bigotry.
P&G Company Sponsors Hometown Homosexuals' Activist Agenda
last but not least - Citizens to Restore Fairness, the organization sponsoring Article 12's repeal. Support them. I'm actually thinking of volunteering my time to help them.

So that's life. Everyone go hate P&G because we want equal rights, not special rights for everyone. We don't believe that discrimination is right in any form, so boycott us!!!
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