The MTV rant. And bonus ranting. Wee!

Apr 16, 2006 20:23

I am not the nicest person in the world. The nicest person in the world could take any situation in the world, smile, and be nice right back. I can’t do that. When the world gives me lemons, I find a slingshot to fire the lemons out of. Fuck lemonade. Who drinks it anyhow? Seriously, kids nowadays steal, cheat, lie, and sell crack instead of setting up lemonade stands. They do this for one simple reason. Lemonade doesn’t sell. Crack does.

If you want to know what I thing is wrong with children nowadays, its quite simple. Computers. Children nowadays are the all-seeing gods of the information highway. When they want porn, they find porn. That simple. Child protection doesn’t work. In fact, it never did. All it does is keep kids from writing legit reports on breast cancer, growth hormones, and the effects of steroids on sex drive.

Computers also divorce children form others. It is now possible to have deep, meaningful conversations with people half a world away, with out even knowing if they are really a guy or a girl. Frank conversations about sex, drugs and alcohol all take place with no parental guidance or input. Hell, the kids are lucky if their parents can turn their computer on, let alone find the chat logs. But this ability to chat with people so far away means that kids don’t build social skills. They are not “socialized” in the way our parents were, or even as we were. These kids have very little idea that referring to women as “bitches” or “ho’s” is not only rude, but damn socially unacceptable. However, these children, who lack the socialization of group hangouts and actual conversation pick up most of their slang and conversation from the other problem plaguing children: television.

What the hell is on TV nowadays? Like, at 3 PM, we have bad dating shows on MTV, awful cartoons on channels 5 and 11, and Macgyver reruns on Spike. What do you think the kids will watch? Macgyver requires intelligence, so that’s out. The kids themselves realize the poor quality of the programming designed for them. So they watch the misogynist and misleading propaganda that is the cesspit of MTV. Music Television is no longer about music. It’s about hook-ups, Jacuzzis and thongs. The only time they show videos is when no one is watching, like at ten AM and at 3 AM. The rest of the programming paints an unflattering image of women as sex objects (almost every rap video ever plus others) or presents awful dating shows like date my mom and next. Why? To reassure the high-school audience that even pretty people can’t get laid either. I’ve never seen a really unfortunate looking person on that show, and all of the people involved have the seeming confidence to jabber on camera about themselves, so why are they looking for love? The answer is that they are not. These shows are all about giving teens a chance to be temporarily famous. Screw love, they want fame. And that’s cheap.

I mean, seriously, MTV once had decent programming, and attempted to deal with issues. Nowadays the only time it gets political is about one month before election day, and only if a president is being elected. There ARE other elections, you know. They are just smaller.

The dating programs on MUSIC TELEVISION really annoy me. Let’s count them, shall we? We have Room Raiders, where a girl or a guy picks a date based on the items within their room. Sounds like a fun concept, but to be honest, the guys and girls tehy choose for the shows are the primping posing idiots I want to trip in public. Am I surprised that almost every girl on that show has a leopard-print thong, or that every second guys seems to have shimmery shirts or tons of hair-care products? No. Because I swear that the interview process to get involved in the show must go like this. To a girl: Do you own sex toys, kinky underwear, and revealing clothing that you would be embarassed if they were found and yet you keep them within easy reach? If yes, continue this application. If no, please don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. To a guy: Do your hair-care accessories and gym bags take up 30%+ of your room? If so, continue this application. If not, sorry, try again when you are gay.

Then we have Date My Mom. A guy has to date 3 moms, and pick a daughter based on the mom. This show is a MILF’s best friend, but very creepy concept.

Then we have Parental Control, where parents attempt to break up their child who is in a relationship by setting them up with two blind dates. What makes this worse is that the boy/girlfriend who the parents obviously don’t like has to sit with the parents and watch the dates. What kind of parent wants to watch their kid get lubed up for a game or get cozy with someone? And to force the kid’s bf/gf to watch is torture. And no, I don’t think its good TV.

And then, Next. That is actually the name of this crappy program. It seems to encourage people to be super ADD about what they want in a significant other. Find something you don’t have in common- NEXT! What bull.

And then we have the flood of reality shows, from real word 375 to the real world vs road rules gauntlet 7 to trl to the month and a half of spring break coverage.

Sorry, MTV pisses me off, which is like reason 34 I’m not the nicest person in the world. In fact, I think what most worries me is that the kid you see on the spring break shows who is waist deep in a pool with half-naked teenagers is probably going to be president in 40 years. This saddens me.

If I seem to be nuts, I am. If I seem tightly wound at times, I am. Why? Because every day I see something else that either sickens me or depresses me. There is so much wrong with our world, and no one seems to want to do shit about it except for the ultra conservative right wing evangelical Christians, and I’d rather castrate myself slowly with a dull butter knife than help them create their utopian society which would have no place for a severely lapsed Catholic as myself.

Signing off…
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