it hasn't been
one of my best weekends
or one of my best days
I've been all over moods
I gave it my best
i allowed me to cry
and ask for help
(well, only sort of
on both counts
but still.)
i heard my lover's
sweet reassurances
kissed and held pretty girls
enjoyed the quirky courtliness
of a new friend-
play partner-
the sun came out
and i took off my jacket
ignoring the wet wind
to feel it on my freckles.
i walked with my best grrl
looking at street art
stealing her french fries
feeling her boundless love
running on at the mouth.
i read and read
trashy fantasy
the tao te ching
redefining our relationships
more tao te ching.
i made a cup of tea
climbed into fresh-washed pjs
exchanged texts with my neighbors
my fabulous neighbors
reveled in them calling me
darling and honey and
it wasn't a joyous day
but there was a lot
of joy in it
and tomorrow is almost here.
and though it seemed
for long stretches of long minutes
that none of it was enough
it was
and i think now
i can sleep.