
Feb 04, 2013 00:09

Have you guys ever felt so passionate about something you want to write about that when you go to write it, you can't even start it because you feel your words will never be right?

That's currently me right now.

Basically I want to write an original Beauty and the Beast story that's based off the actual tale. The "original" tale going around (beamounts) is the watered down version of it and hell, Disney doesn't help with the horrid cliche of 'beauty and the beast' either. And please don't get me started on OUAT (though the best "B&TB couple we cannonly see is Belle/Ruby)

Did you guys know that the Beast wasn't an asshole? That he never was filled with rage? That he never once raised his voice to Beauty? That the reason why he transformed was because he said "no" to the Fairy/Enchantress trying to marry him? Yes, a handsome man said no (and so did his mother) and he was damned because of his mothers pride and vanity?! Did you know when he was transformed he was bashed on the head and he fell then couldn't even lift up his body? When he saw his new form that he wept and couldn't even get up because he was too heavy and was too injured to pick himself up? Did you know that a good fairy (who was really Beauty's aunt) saved him and his mother from suicide? Did you know she was the reason why Beauty and the Prince were destined? Did you know he loved Beauty from the second he saw her? That he welcome her to his palace like a wedding ceremony? That the display was so beautiful Beauty was amused since she assumed she was going to die. That she only looked at him at horror once then quickly recovered. Did you know he did everything for her happiness alone? Did you know Beauty wasn't human and was born a Princess? She was the daughter of a King and a Fairy and the Fairy was killed on orders from the evil fairy because she wed a human? Did you know that Beauty had dreams of The Beast's real form and loved him on first sight? Did you know she found a likeness of him on a bracelet and wore it all the time? Did you know when she left the Beast to go home that was the only time that she and the Prince argued in her dreams? And it was only because she was damning him to die because after she left and didn't return when promised he tried to kill himself? Did you know she foresaw of his death and it scared her so badly she went rushing back (well teleported with the ring he gave her)? Did you know when she agreed to marry him, it wasn't until the next day he transformed because the curse wasn't broken until his mother and good fairy returned home? Did you know the Prince's mother was torn about having Beauty marry her son because she didn't realize she was a Princess? Did you know that they truly lived happily ever after and ran not just his Kingdom but The Fortune Islands (Beauty's fathers land) as well? Did you know that Beauty was immortal due to being half fairy so she outlived her beloved (who lived longer than any human had)

Did you know I will forever call "The Prince" Adam because in the book itself humans were called "The race of Adam"? Did you know Beauty wasn't Maurice's only child? He had 6 sons and 6 daughters and Beauty replaced an infant that had just died to keep her hidden away from the evil fairy? Did you know though her Sisters were unkind to her she never held a grudge and still called them sisters and brought them into her court? (and I don't blame them, their father favorite Beauty not only because of her personality but because when he agreed to keep her, he was blessed with fortune?)

This is why I feel so passionate about Beauty and the Beast and now that I know this, I'm more passionate than ever. Its why Rumbelle is such an insult to me given how evil he is and how much in denial she is. That's why I don't like any "retellings" with the exception of the 80s TV series and Kristin Callhan's Dark London series (I wept and I don't cry when I read).

I want to bring to proper story and the truth to the world and I want people to see that their relationship was more than we've ever been shown. The Beast was selflessly dedicated to Beauty from first sight and we don't get the depth of relationship growth...well to my liking.

...Sorry about that...carry on.

beauty and the beast, fanfic, life, books, writing

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