Well, there's always the good with the bad....

Feb 01, 2006 19:09

...the bad - my tire got a cut on the sidewall last night because the granite blocks that border our road happen to have one that has shifted and sticks out more from the curb than the other ones - and I ran against it yesterday afternoon, not finding out till Wednesday night when I wanted to go get some stuff. "Why's the car driving like this?" Sure enough, pull over and it's FLAT. Turn around (I'd gotten about three houses away) and parked it, thought about changing it last night and said "screw that."

Good call. Had a nice night staying in, watching another episode of "Six Feet Under" (season 2 now) and hanging out with the man. No, not THE man, but my man. ;)

This morning, we go out, I finally manage to get the cover off the spare wheel on back - ripped it in three places, but it was already damage. No biggie - I had a tear in the bottom and needed a new one anyway. THEN I find I'm missing my jack. We use his, but it's not *tall* enough (duh, he has a sedan, I have a small SUV. So....we try the cinder-block - too tall, can't fit the jack in. We try a stack of boards, and it turns out to be *just* too short - so we get the idea to deflate the tire as much as it takes to get it on there. It gets put on, the flat one goes in back on the rear door. Drive to Young's garage down the street and get it refilled. I love my mechanic, even more since he's less than a full block from our house.

We ate at Friendly's, passed on the Quabbin idea since it was starting to get a little dark by then, and went to Petsmart in Millbury to get a new hamster for Mikey, really. The lady who worked there said she'd been trying to get dwarf hamsters for a long timeand not getting any. So I picked out this black hamster who poked his little nose out of the igloo where they sleep (there were about five huddled up in there) and they put him in the cardboard carrier to take home. Supplies and off to the house. We cleaned up the habitrail cage (thanks, Bill, I'm finally getting to use it!) and he slept while I put everything together, and I was delighted when the hamster *crawled into* the little crock to eat some food and then found the wheel...go hamster!

Then Ben went home and I'm now getting ready for the show while Mikey watches his new friend. I named the little guy "Boxy Brown" and I'm going to call him Boxy for short. Yes, I have a weird sense of humor. :)

So, a nice day overall, and I'm happy to have been so happy and content. Now I get to do the radio show - weehaw! Call me up and say "yo" why don't you. LOL

I am just one big contented smile right now.
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