...well, almost.
Yeah, my sunroom is two cartons and *one plank* big.
That little piece leaning up against the wall is the only leftover of any significance (there's a couple of slivers from cutting along the length of that last row against the window). So since it was after 9pm, I have to go back to Home Depot tomorrow. Luckily, they carry that particular style/shade in the store, and so I can buy the *just one* that I need. I'll also pick up the quarter round (in primered white) to lay along the walls to cover up the expansion gap. I could go with the quarter-rounds to match the floor, but they're about five times as expensive and I think the white will make more sense with the white walls and white trim pieces around the doors (which you can't see in this photo).
All in all, it took me about three hours, maybe four, and a lot of time was spent chiseling out the openings at the bottom of the trim surrounding the two doorways (since I couldn't get them to pull off without breaking to try and cut them that way). The table saw made it so much easier than trying to do it with the circular saw. I hadn't used a table saw in years, but it's like riding a bike. I have a healthy fear of powerful cutting devices and used the eye goggles, too. But it even made nice, clean cuts with the standard blade -I wasn't sure if I'd need a fine-toothed finishing blade with the laminate. I didn't.
I did Pergo flooring in the (huge-ass) living room of the last house I owned in Oklahoma. I learned a lot about how it works, and this time I knew exactly how to lay it out to make it as easy (and nice) as possible. Like every project, I learned things the first time I did it that I modified the second time. Now, I think I might do the bedrooms upstairs because that fake "wood plank" linoleum up there is just nasty. But I'm not in any rush, and at the moment I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with (ie: what I want to do to get rid of) the ugly, tired white with pink diamonds linoleum in the kitchen/hall. I also removed pink carpet in the sunroom - damn, the woman that owned his house before me liked her some pink. I grew out of it by the age of twelve, myself. Different strokes and all that, I guess.
So, one more project down. Yay.