So, she "helped" him out...

Nov 27, 2009 21:37

...after a low-speed car crash where the airbags didn't deploy by *bashing in the back window* on an Escalade.

Um, why not just open the car door, lady?

Sheesh. She used *two* golf clubs on his ass and he was lying the street when the cops showed up. Damn.,,20323202,00.html

"Windermere Police officers were the first to respond to the scene that was "spitting distance" from the golfer's home in the gated community of Islesworth, Fla., according to Windermere Police Chief Daniel Saylor.

"When they got there, he was laying in the street," Saylor told PEOPLE. "His wife had broken out the back window with a golf club to get into the vehicle and pull him out."

Saylor did not know how Nordegren managed to pull her husband out, but she was determined to do so. "She used two golf clubs," Saylor says. "She bent one and used another one."

Woods, 33, first hit a fire hydrant and then smashed into a tree, according to two Windermere patrolmen who arrived first at the scene.

"When they got there, they noticed he had lacerations to his lower and upper lip and blood in his mouth and he was in and out of consciousness," Saylor says."

Um, yeah. Remind me never to piss off one of them Swedish bitches. Daaamn.

If I came up with a story that lame and unbelievable, my mother would have grounded me for the rest of the school year. I guess the cops will believe anything famous people tell them. Wow.

celebrities, tall tales

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