Feb 06, 2008 15:43
What the fuck is up with Democrats and this "super-delegate" shit?
Yes, I'm pissed. "well, people voted but we don't know what the super-delegates are going to do yet."
This is like the electoral college for primaries. It seems like the Democratic party doesn't care about the popular vote, they're going to choose the best candidate based on their back-room maneuvering bullshit. This would be the same "politics as usual" crap that everyone hates and what gives Obama his energetic following.
Won't it be ironic if the Democrats blow that desire for change out of the water and screw it all up because they can't resist the urge to play politics again? I get this nasty, sinking feeling that Hillary Clinton is the consummate politics-player and will wrangle the nomination out of this super delegate crap even if she doesn't win the popular vote for nomination. After all, that's what she's been angling for all along "I have more super delegates." It's hard not to feel pessimistic even about my own party when I'm in a bad place emotionally anyway.
Tonight I'm staying close to home and nursing myself back to health.
Maybe the political world will start to heal itself, too. Sure, it's wishful thinking, but a girl can dream.