
Oct 27, 2007 13:11

For a long time, I didn't dream.  Maybe I did dream, but I never remembered it.  Every once in a while, I'd get vague impressions of things when I woke, or a fragment of something totally nonsensical.

Lately, I've been dreaming a lot.  Things are quite concrete, and peopled with characters who exist in my real life.  That's also unusual for me.  I've mentioned it before, but it's continuing.  I'm not quite used to it, but I'm moving along.

Recently, I had a dream about someone that involved magic specifically, not the weird, warped way that things sometimes happen in dreams without specifically being "magic."  In this case, it was along the lines of a curse, and we were fighting to reverse what had happened.  We banded together to fight it, addressed some of the issues between us that weren't issues any more with the conditions of the curse.  Then when it was done (the curse was defeated), the other person didn't remember anything.

So, we had worked through issues between us, but the other person came through all of it and didn't remember how we'd fought, resolved and put it behind us.  I think it's a good analogy for my life right now.  I've gotten to a point where I've worked through a lot about my father's death, and I had to do it without him being there (much like my life as a whole).  Now that I've resolved it, I can't talk to him about it.

Maybe the lesson here is working through an issue about someone else doesn't have to involve the other person as much as it does your own  thoughts about it.  You can make peace with an issue or a person, but just because you can't talk to them about it, it doesn't diminish all the work you've done on your feelings and coming to terms with it.

My dreams are again becoming a mechanism for understanding the workings of my subconscious. That's reassuring.

dreams, conflict, emotions

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