Jan 13, 2006 13:24
I'm not much for thinking any one day is more special than the next but this day always seems to stand out for me. It was exactly 17 years ago today, on another Friday the 13th that I suffered a very serious car accident while traveling in Israel. For all intent and purposes I should have died that that day. If I hadn't been wearing a seat belt, if I hadn't retained consciousness, if I didn't know how to treat myself for shock, if I didn't know how to stop the bleeding, if I hadn't have been found when I was, if the person who found me didn't have a wife who was a nurse... If any of these conditions weren't true I probably would not have survived. So ever since I have chosen to celebrate the 13th day of January as the anniversary of day I lived. Another event that occurred on that day was that my nephew was born making me an uncle. His name is also Jason. It's just a special day to me and I think it is extra special when it falls on a Friday.