Pegg Pavement, Filming Location photos

Sep 27, 2008 22:00

Photos from last weekend with screen caps from film of same location etc. Image heavy under the cuts.

This is Wilton's Music Hall - beautiful buliding, and the WORLD'S Oldest Music Hall. It was also a filming location for the movie The Krays starring Gary and Martin Kemp for which myself and missy_manic have watched many times for Kemp-inspired madness and also visited other locations but never this one.

Front of building (not in the movie):


The posts/poles are unique in their design and completely recognisable :)

We also went to find some of the pubs where filming took place:

The Royal Oak pub is situated on Columbia Road which was also a filming location for Run Fat Boy Run:

More Pegg pavement in SE London as seen in Run Fatboy Run:

(Not in the movie but street views nearby were pretty):

Classic London landmark that must be in nearly every film set in London:

Code Street - just behind what was Shoreditch station - now closed - as part of the restructure of the East London tube line which I guess is being completed with the Olympics in mind. As a result part of the road is borded up.

^ The shoes on the wire are now on a nearby tree:

Hope you enjoyed that! If not, jog on! It's a fun way to discover new parts of London :)

pegg pavement, the krays, run fat boy run, real life, london

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