Bill Cosby--

Jul 02, 2004 01:45

--is the shit. And here's why:,2933,124486,00.html

It's about fucking time an upstanding, respectable black man told the massive majority of other black men and women that they suck at their lives and at raising kids, and that they should get their act together because affirmitive action isn't a free pass. God bless this man, he's said things I've been thinking/saying for years. The only problem is, I'm white and whatever I say usually doesn't count beyond the people that know me. I'm hardly as well know as Bill Cosby.

Maybe now the black community will realize that being gangster only works in Hollywood. The rest of the time, they end up in poverty like the majority of people I saw driving through Harlem the other day.

It probably takes a lot to piss off a comedian. Especially one of Bill Cosby's standing. I respect the man greatly, and hopefully his words will have the power to overshadow such propogandish rederick from numbskulls like 50 Cent.

Aside from all that, I've felt really, really good lately. I think the mini-vacation to NYC finally snapped me back into the real world. Which is, I'm glad to report, refreshing as hell.

I also came to the realization while driving I-93 North tonight that I will always have enemies no matter what I do or say, and that I should not give up or concern myself with them. There was a time once when I used to tell myself, "The hell with what others think or say about me. If they don't like me, it's their problem, not mine." Somewhere along the way I lost sight of that ideal. It was part of the person I used to be, and I'm happy in knowing that I'm becoming more like I used to be every day. Being high-strung, stressed-out, and pissed off gets so old after awhile. So I'm back to being me. Which is all I really want to be right now.

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