International Man of Bigotry

May 18, 2004 02:44

Oh god, I love it. I'm not only renown in the United States (holdin' it down in the good ol' MA, ooo rah!), but I have suddenly gained fame in Canada! I am...

The International Man of Bigotry

And if you thought it didn't get better, read what my fans in Canada have to say about me, if you please:


If this man is any kind of an example of what the average American is, we’re all fucked, because in the words of Dennis Leary, “[they] got the bombs.”

Which, as dj_baz himself so eloquently put it, is like “letting a retard fly an airplane.”

Oh, sorry, did I take that out of context? He wasn’t talking about American ‘weapons of mass destruction’. He was talking about women driving SUVS.

The way things are going this guy is going to be the next president.

Yes, my friends, that was an entry posted by my favorite Canadian fan, space_cowgirl. Two countries down, only approximately 258 to go! Next stop? Japannnnn!

Coincidentally enough, I'm quite focused on a career in law enforcement followed up by a political career. Might wanna watch it Canadian, I'll invade your country before I ever go overseas! Take your French Fries and gravy, yes I will!

Know what's even better than that? I'm a Republican. Bush 2004!

That's all for now. I'll have more tomorrow. Have a good day people!

-Baz (IMB)
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