May 01, 2010 01:08
plans for the summer so far:
other than alaska that is....
1) support raise for alaska- this includes lots of prayer and calling people and probably going to some churches. but the letters are already done so i just have to wait.
2) WRITE- this can happen in alaska too, but i want to write a little every day while i'm home. I am going to try and work on my short story that i got published and perhaps make it longer? and any other things too.
3) read!- i already have three books from one of my friends here at school. i need to finish some c.s. lewis books, and read a book with my friend michele, but i don't remember what it's called. plus i want to go to the library and get random books too. i love reading!
4) visit people
5) oh yeah...i should probably try to make a little money, huh? this will probably include babysitting and maybe some editing work with hannah. or any other odd jobs i can find...any suggestions?
6) MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC- i need to keep practicing guitar and write stuff with my friend danielle. and practice for the musical that i'm in next semester. wow. i'm a lead in an operetta next could i forget that? yikes.
7) figure out what the heck to do with all these crazy people i know and how to stay in touch with them all over the summer.
i'm sure there's more.