The Noel Legacy - Chapter 1.4

Dec 31, 2010 23:33

Welcome again to the Noel Legacy! 4 chapters in four days, MAN am I on a roll! /flexes

Without further ado, let us jump into chapter 1.4: Also known as the chapter where I start putting more effort into the writing than poorly crafted wisecracks. W00t!

I also made the pictures smaller, for better loading. Yay!

"Ok, mom. What the hell. Tell me, what the hell is going on with you and this book?"

With that, Destiny threw the book down on the nearby couch, leaving Eve to look at it confused.

"I- what?" Her eyes narrowed as she read the title. "This isn't one of mine, it's... "The Warlock of-" her face paled.

"Grandma told me to read it, so I did. What. The. Hell."

Of course, I proceeded to curse up a blue streak and wonder where that deal with Yumi went.

"I-I don't,"

You better just tell her, Eve. It's not like this isn't a legacy- she will probably need to know.

"...Ok then."

"What do you want to know?"

"What do I want to know? WHAT DO I-" Destiny cut herself off, glaring angrily at her mother. "How about how these people who this warlock guy fought, these evil people who kept the city under their claws, apparently had red hair and green eyes? And apparently one of them fits your description perfectly? Or, I don't know, why you have a name that sounds COMPLETELY made up. I mean, Noel? Who has that last name? Oh, and it's not like you showed up here on Christmas eve or anything, so it's not like it's a OBVIOUS rip-off!"

The sarcasm, it burnssss us.

"Guardian, if you would...?"

Fine fine, I will keep quiet. You can handle this.

"Destiny... it is not as easy as all that. Well, in some ways it is... but let me explain."

"I'm listening."

Eve looked over at the book again, letting out a sigh at the author's name. "He... I remember him, it was a long time ago of course. But he was my-"

"Brother. And a rebel who escaped. He described how you didn't follow him you know, I'm not stupid."

"No, you are growing up to be very perceptive."

"He didn't know how deep it went- The Palladian Ring... the Warlocks within it did not die."

Destiny blinked. "What?"

"When I was born his brother, that was my sixteenth life. We had made a pact in the first one- I was powerful, but the youngest. Too young to understand what I was doing." She looked over her daughter's face, tired. "This is the first time I have had children outside of the cycle."

Destiny took a deep breath, blinked, then finally spoke. "Wait. I think we may need to sit down. What cycle? What the heck? Exactly how freaky does all this stuff get? And why are you using formal language and acting all.. wait, this is how you really are?"

Eve let out a small laugh. "Very freaky. And in a way, yes. I haven't been able to be a actual child in about 500 years. I got a little carried away."

The daughter thought about this. In the book, it had talked a lot about how the sister was always so serious, always studying, always separate. Things started clicking together. That had been the one thing that had made her doubt the story was about her mom, but the evidence had added up too much.

"So... this cycle, what is it?"

Eve shook her head, then placed her hands on Destiny's arms. "I am not going to tell you that- not yet."


"Things have been insane this weak, and not in a good way. I will say this- I escaped because of my brother's escape. And I escaped thanks to, well, 'the magic of Christmas.' There is power in the air that time of year, and I was able to use it to flee." She bit her lip. "I love you, Destiny. You are my daughter. I didn't want you to know what I have done, but please know this- I am not that person anymore."

Destiny looked at her mother, and gave a small nod. She wanted to believe it, and she had to admit, thanks to the craziness of the last week she would not be able to deal with anything more right now.

"Ok." She awkwardly glanced around. "I-I need to go to the bathroom."

Using the toilet as a seat, destiny plopped down and stared at the shower. Finally, she addressed me.


Yes, can I talk now?

"What did you have to play in all this?"

Your mother isn't exactly as powerful as even she likes to think, even now. I helped her escape from the beginning, and at the end of it, when she found out her brother was dead, I offered her a deal of protection. A legacy.

"...I don't want to know the details about that either, do I?"

Not yet you don't. Don't worry, it will all come in time. And you might not even have to have it on your shoulders, it could pass to one of your brothers.

Destiny let out a groan. "Yeah, Jack who is as ditzy as anything deep down, Yuki who is... well-"

He's a weird little creep.

"He's my brother you know, be nice."

Yeah yeah. :P

"And then Ranulf who isn't even out of diapers. And me, who trips over her own two feet. Wonderful."

At least Ranulf is a genius!


"Damnit Grandma, why did you have to leave!" And with that, Destiny broke into a set of wails.

Of course, I have gotten ahead of myself. Now it is time to look at what had gone on the weeks before that lead up to this delightfully serious interlude.

Things went on as normal. Well, except that (as you can see), Eve actually started paying attention to the kids. It seemed that knowing the pressure of having any more was off made her feel a lot more relieved.

And sadly, Leighton began to lose his muscle tone.

"Can you stop attempting to oggle me, Guardian? It's getting a little old after all these years."

Yeah yeah, suck it up. And coochie-coochie to you, my favorite little neurotic genius! I L U!


Neurotic Geniuses are awesome, shut up. :P

Sam actually was improving his painting, and made a piece I think I will actually hang on a wall. Once we have a big enough house, that is.

And then, he grew up. Which made me happy as I could kick him out and have one less sim to worry about.

I gave him some kick butt threads as a apology, and sent him out into the world. Partly doing so to make up for the trait he had locked. >.>

"Love you dad, don't be a stranger!"

"Love you too son. Make sure that you get married soon so I may have grandchildren."


And then, on his way out the door he slipped on a puddle and smashed his face against the door.

...Yeah, he rolled the 'unlucky' trait. >.<

But apparently not too unlucky, as he got this sweet house. Next to the beach. With green interior (which is his favorite color).


Yes, I am jealous of a broke sim. He has a nice house! D:

"Alright, let me in Sam. I need to have a actual shower and rest in a place that does not reek for a bit before going back."

"You know you could come and live with me, Grandma."

"Oh, of course not. They need me right now."

"Wow Grandma, that is actually-"

"Besides, if I was here I would ruin whatever game you had with the ladies. I want great-grandchildren before I die, you know."


See? Freakin' nice house. The bastard.

"Come on Yuki, come to daddy!"

"I walked a thousand miles while everyone was asleep / Nobody's really seen my million subtleties."

...Oh good lord. Is it legal to punch a toddler in the face? He is totally asking for it.

(*Lyrics by Ashlee Simpson)

Grumpy face!

"Grumble.. grumblemumble-"

"Oh geeze, what's got your panties in a twist girl?"

"My brother got a better house than us. And he is broke. I am still sleeping in a bedroom with my brother and my grandma. Life sucks Francesca, it sucks."

Yeah, that is the Ursine girl. I am now lamenting that Destiny isn't a boy so she can have gorgeous children with her. Darn stupid same-sex pregnancy mod that screws up my game. /grumps

"Well, maybe you should go out for a bit? If you saved up some money, you should have a day out. I'm going to the new stylist place myself soon."

"...I'm listening. Girl's day out?"

"Girl's day out."

And then they pelted each other with a projectile. It was cute. They really are BFF's. <3

"Now remember, Yuki. As my semi-name sake you must be amazing. So play well with this instrument."

Yuki: /sticks the stick into his mouth.

"You are a sucky little kid, aren't you?"

"Got bruises on my heart and sometimes I get dark / You wanna mess with me?"

"Hah! Those weren't even from the same stanza, you wimp!"

And finally, the little creep grows up!

And the last baby! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!

<(^_^<) ^(^_^)^ (>^_^)>

"Hmm, and I just was puling you aside to talk to you. How inconvenient."

Wait, what? No no no no no no no no! YUMI! D: WHY IS IT ALWAYS ON A BIRTHDAY?

"Miss... Miss Sekemoto!"

"Well this.. this actually feels very good. LIghter."

"Misses Sekemoto!"

"Now now, calm down. Before I go, listen- Tell Destiny to read that book I gave her for her birthday, I do not think anyone but you can hear me right now."



"Take care of her, all right? I have a feeling she will choose the wrong man. Make sure she picks the right one. Fate will be hanging on it. At the least, that is the feeling I am getting, and right now I think those feelings are right."

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Ah, now here is my ride. Hello Grimmy, you thinking of moonlighting in this legacy?"

"Not yet, I do not think. I believe the Guardian is waiting for a evil sim for that."

Move it along, Grim. I am not in the mood.

"She was long past her time, you know this. I have forestalled my approach because of a combination of your pleas and her willpower. She simply would not die until the last babe had passed into a higher stage."

"Great, you two can chat. Now lets get back to me, yes?"

"Ah, you can hear me too, Eve?"

"Y-yes. I have enough magic left for that, Yumi."

"Great. You both need to hear this. I did some research. This girl's grandfather was your brother, have fun with that."

Eve gaped as Francesca looked at her, surprised. "What?"

"Well, that's a little untrue. Not by blood, some magic stuff. I sat down and had a chat with your mother after I saw her skulking about. You should demand a answer from her. I have a train to catch."

"Well Grimmy, I'm ready to go. My curtain call has come, eh?"

"Not quite, Yumi. Rest will be yours, but your time here is certainly not over. You shall see."

Thank you, Grim. I am glad we could work out that deal at least.

"Great! I am glad you two asked me about this. Ah well, onto that rest."

And with that, Yumi Sekemoto jumped into the ground and a tombstone was formed. She was 101 years old, on normal aging, and had lived with a full life bar for at least 11 days. She really was a lifesaver for getting me through the toddler terrors with Leighton and Eve still being able to skill. She had a great relationship with everyone in the house.

She will be greatly missed.... you better haunt our butts, Yumi.

"You can count on me for that."

Leighton grieved quietly, kissing Ranful on the forehead and taking care of him as he knew Yumi would have loved to.

And it makes me sad to realize that Ranulf will be the only toddler to have not learned one skill from Yumi, as she had taught all either talking or potty training.

It wasn't until sunrise that Eve snuck out, and grieved for the woman who had given her her son, and who had aided so much with Eve's children.

In her heart, she aspired to be a better parent- to no longer let the need to be a child overrule her love for the actual ones.

Yumi would have said 'about damn time.'

To put it simply: The whole house was broken hearted. Either they woke up grieving, they dreamed grieving, and they lived grieving for awhile.

It broke my little heart. :(

On Destiny, between school and being the eldest, it was especially hard.

"That's it, I can't take this. I can go with Francsesca to the Stylist later. I need some time to myself."

"Um, excuse me, Mr.?"

"Malcolm Langraab, expert Stylist, at your service madam!"

"Ok. I need a new style, stat."


"Oh darling, you are fabulous! Thank you for coming into day: I needed someone to style that actually could carry my looks."

"You think I can carry your looks?

"Of course! Your figure is that of a models, sweetheart. Now, wait and do a little spin, I think I have a couple looks for you to try."

Destiny struck a pose, tilting her chin as she looked into the mirror. It was true that she always dressed up, but it was mostly the style that her Grandmother dictated to her. She loved it, but... when looking into the mirror reminded you of your dead grandma, a change was needed.

And to think that she was beautiful enough to be a model, well, that thought had never occurred to her. Now that it did, she couldn't help but think that maybe... maybe she liked it.

She smiled as Malcolm put her into a variety of clothing, feeling more and more brave and confident in her own skin, until finally- the right one was found.

She paused, staring in the mirror again, and finally everything broke down.

She broke down sobbing into Malcolm's arms.

"I-'m s-so sorry! It's just, my grandma died and she used to dress me up an-and-"

"Now now, calm down- it's ok. Please?"

He slowly talked her through it, gave her a chai tea and a handkerchief, and she was feeling 100% better by the time she walked out the door.

Things started going back to normal around the house. Yuki finally picked out a pair of clothes and started watching too much anime, and not the good stuff like Yu Yu Hakusho either, but stuff like Fruit's Basket. Which, ok, was fine up until the ending books. The ending books sucked.

His current preoccupation is splicing anime to Avril Lavigne and Ashlee Simpson songs.

((Note, I actuallykindasortalike Avril Lavigne. This is meant in good fun. Please don't burn me. I'm not a witch.))

Ranulf became more cute every day-

"Who awe yoo? Yoo not gonna wead my toughts! I gotta pwotection 'elmet on!"

Correction: More neurotic and cute every day.

Also, those things don't work against me sweetie.


"What? What... what the hell?"

"Sister, that is a bad word. Now, watch me shake my juicy rump at the screen as I practice the the Bunny Shake. It is very important."

And then, finally, Destiny found the time to read the novel her Grandmother left her that her best friend had been telling her to read, and we were back at the beginning.

New things are on the horizon... what will be in store for the Noel family in the future? How long will peace last before it is broken? And how long until I punch Yuki in the face? I mean, ew.

Well, you are going to have to read to find out. ;)

And review. Seriously, I neeeds reviews. Pwease? :(

generation one, destiny, legacy, yuki, yumi, noel

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