Dec 18, 2009 07:11
when you got completely fucked up, and were convinced your pulse was, like, dancing with the music? Then you went around telling everyone to feel your neck, but you had headphones on. No one had a clue what fucking music you were even talking about.
Naturally, I do not know in the slightest. I was gone. Point A and point B were obscure, so you can forget me recalling the bits in the middle.
Anyway. Loads of nostalgia and "remember that time" are happening far too much for my liking at the moment. It's making me feel mentally decrepit. Plus, I'm pretty sure I got a shady deal on that whole childhood shit, so it's like, 'oh, those are the best memories you are getting. Hope you made it worth it.'
Again, anyway. This whole mountain of pointless reminiscing is all down to someone that doesn't even deserve to get to go there with me anymore. Why can't people maintain the disappearing act? I'd accept that form of stability. Fuck, I thought I'd at least get that. Temptation is a vindictive bitch though, and I'm compelled to keep you around for a while.
3 1/2 years is not enough time. You're still not fucking penitent. Ignoring horrible things you did, does not make them go away. I should also probably mention that I seriously considered knifing you, and tossing you in that dumpster when you walked up. Pathetically wouldn't be able, so don't worry, sunshine.
Who has a lovely tip for getting rid of this whole shiny new mess? Really, any that avoids this becoming a full-blown travesty.
and i'm done