cos it's toasty-like

Feb 01, 2010 20:37

Dear Skins,

Thanks for facilitating confrontations about Pop-tarts.

"Name brand!"

"Store brand! Name brand doesn't have much gooey filling and it's overpriced like a whore, stupid."

See, I tried to turn this into a legitimate debate based on facts there, but then I realized my comment sounded about 15 flavors of wrong. Don't worry. Five seconds after that it filtered back to slander and 'fuck your mother' abuse. You know, the classics.

Hey, you people that I have virtually no sway over, go read this:

There's three parts so get cracking. Throw down your thoughts in the form of comments for the author. I swear, we shouldn't need to have a discussion on proper manners and politeness again. Do we? 

notnothing, ficlove

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