Mar 25, 2004 19:49
and i'm happy when it raaaiins and i'm happy when it rains
I love this song!! I need to download some more Jesus & Mary Chain songs. My mom would probably freak out about the band name...she's so touchy about God. That's why I don't want to watch Life of Brian with her, because its KINDA (but barely) like they are mocking Jesus' life or theres a scene of male full-frontal nudity which she definatly wouldn't enjoy. And I can't watch Meaning of Life with her because there's a scene where the teacher is having sex with his wife on his desk to demonstrate to his students...and then there's the Sperm Song. She went into Hollywood Video for me to swap out the And Now For Something Completely Different tape for the DVD and she was saying "you know, they had other Monty Python movies too" and I was like "yeah...." gol
I do not know why she would tell me this and bring upon herself the aggravation of me watching Monty Python in the living room while she does her little cleaning. It's stupid, really, because she says "UGH! Monty Python!! I hate it!! Its so stupid!!" But one time she was laughing her ass off at it...I know her little secrets...I know she likes it and just doesn't want to admit it. The sketch she was laughing at was actually really funny..I feel like typing so I shall tell the story. These two ladies (actually 2 guys dressed as ladies)and they were watching the TV. There was this guy standing next to the TV with wires all hooked to him all over his body. Whenever they switched it, it would electricute him and he would switch the station. My mom likes to see people in pain. gol. thats why she laughed so very hard on that part...anyway the part I thought was funny was when one of the "ladies" went crazy or something and she was running outside and she was like crouched down as she ran and she ran into a tree !! and she bounced back and fell on the ground and she got up and started running and ran into the tree again GOL and she did it like 5 more times. Oh I couldn't breathe!!
Speaking of laughing hard, last Saturday night Suzanne slept over and we watched The Two Towers. There's this part with Faramir when he has Sam, Frodo, and Gollum in Osgiliath and suddenly they are under attack by Nazgul on their little flying thingies. Faramir turns and looks up at the sky and opens his mouth REALLY big and yells "NAZGUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Well I thought it might be funny to put that part on slow was SO HILARIOUS!! He looked like he was singing opera. Me and Suzanne couldn't breathe. I was laughing so hard that I had pains in my chest and I wasn't even making noise and then I almost fell off the sofa. And Suzanne...whoa she just gets louder and louder and she sounds like she's choking/dying when she laughs hard...and then she just started sliding, sliding down on the sofa GOL but Faramir singing thing in the world!
Lunch was fun again hoorah! French was really fun too! I like to mock Madame Brooks. I'm used to repeating after her when she says the French, so I end up saying EVERYTHING she says...yesterday she was correcting someone and she talked in a funny voice so I imitated her and she heard me and she got all mad. It was soo funnyyy ! Then today she said "coral" instead of "chorus" and I laughed for 5 minutes...I don't know why but that woman just cracks me up and I was kinda having a sugar rush. All I had was coffee for breakfast and a cookie, then cracker jacks at lunch and I bought a Snickers in French so yes it must have been the sugar. what am I blabbing about this crap about for?!?! whateva! said the black girl on Maury
alksdfjaowiejf said the evil russian gymnast