
May 15, 2016 19:47

Our school has been put into special measures by Ofsted, and in consequence is on the way to becoming an academy. It apparently failed its inspection in all five categories, but particularly in safeguarding and behaviour. We now have an Action Plan to get us back on track.

I have a lot to say on the current situation, but I will limit it to this: three weeks into the Action Plan, and I can't see any change for the better. While the same people remain at the top, nothing will change. We are due an interim inspection some time this term, and I doubt they will see any improvements either.

So far, I am not at all impressed with the new Executive Headteacher. He is supposed to have a lot of experience at turning schools around, and I guess I will believe it when I see it.

I have 7 years to go before I retire. I find the current situation frustrating and I don't know whether I will be able to stay at the school for all that time. Chris says he will support my decision to get a new job if I want one and he thinks I have a lot to offer a prospective employer. However, I can't get away from the fact that I am 60 next year, and employers will be reluctant to look past my age. I'd like to give up work now, but we can't afford it.

The situation hasn't been improved by Fiona (Health Point Adviser) being off sick for the last two weeks, and she won't be coming back next week either. I am first port of call for the students if they are ill at school, and I just don't get any of my own work done while I am in First Aid. I get a measly £8 per month for the pleasure of manning health point - the TAs who cover it get paid at Point 17 if they cover HP for an hour. I kind of spat my dummy out last week, and I only have to cover it in the afternoons now, but it is still too much.

Rant over


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