Snowflake Challenge 2022 - Challenge #6

Jan 16, 2022 14:11

Snowflake Challenge #6
In your own space, Create something.
I watched FBI for the first time since the holiday break last week. I'd missed a few episodes because we watched probably a hundred Hallmark Christmas Movies (TM) since the end of October (I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not), so a lot of the shows I normally watch took a back seat. Therefore, I had no idea what was going on and was shocked to find that a recurring character had been killed off before the holidays.
I don't much care for the Rina Trenholm character, but I was absolutely blown away by Jeremy Sisto's performance as Jubal Valentine in the face of that loss. This story just sort of bloomed in my mind as the closing credits rolled. The end of the episode in particular was a gut punch. I couldn't not respond, and given it's been a long time since I've written a coda to an episode of a TV show, it was startling (but a little relieving, because clearly I haven't lost that skill). This just... seemed like it needed to be written.
The Heartbeat of Grief and Loss

snowflake challenge, notes from the real world

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