This is my project for the November challenge at Rough Trade. As stated above, it's a Star Trek story in the Kelvin timeline. I'm being ambitious with this one, choosing to go back before canon and fix the whole damned thing (or as much as I can). The inspiration for this story is the classic Star Trek episode City on the Edge of Forever. It's one of my favorite episodes and the one that consistently ranks at or near the top of every list of best ST episodes since it first aired in 1967. I'm not rewriting that episode (this does take place in the Kelvin timeline, so theoretically it hasn't happened yet if it ever would), but I am using it as the jumping-off point for this story.
It feels a lot like I'm pantsing this one, which is uncomfortable for me, but I expect the outline to grow as I go, so I should hit my stated word goal of 50,000 words. Hopefully.
The link will go back up when I (finally) finish the story. Whenever that'll be.