(Why am I doing this? I'm not even a Spirit Medium. And how is sitting on a block of ice while freezing water is poured on you supposed to help you commune with a spirit anyway? Okay, Phoenix, calm down. Just get through it for Maya and Pearls. Think warm thoughts. You're not sitting on a block of ice at the top of a mountain, you're on a nice, warm, sunny beach. Florida. You're in Florida...Disney World, in fact...)
He was blinded by a flash of light, and, the next thing he knew he found himself sprawled on the ground, face down.
Mickey coughs theatrically. "'What is your name?'"
“Uh…Phoenix Wright." He climbed to his feet and dusted himself off.
(Wow. Maybe there's more to this Spirit Training than I thought.)
"What is your quest?" asks the Cat. It's perched, suddenly, on the roof of one of the gate-stiles.
Phoenix grinned uncertainly and scratched his head. “Well, I guess it’s to get my client found ‘Not Guilty.’”
(Although “ordeal” might be a better word than “quest”…)
"'What is the average w..?'" Mickey frowns down at the notebook. "You know, I don't really see why that's important." He flips a page. "'If you could be granted three wishes, what would they be?'"
(Three wishes, huh? Well, I guess I’d definitely wish he was here. And that Mia was still alive…But what about the third wish…maybe that my clients pay me once in a while!)
"Or," the Cat says, examining its tail with interest, "if you were a genie and someone you were trying to give three wishes to was trying to trick you into giving him more, what would you say?"
“Well, that one’s easy.” Phoenix said with a grin. “I’d just say…
Mickey looks rather nonplused at the next, but reads, "'When the revolution comes, what skills will you be able to barter for food?'"
Phoenix’s face fell. “There’s a revolution coming?” He grinned that uncertain grin of his and said, “well, I guess I’m a pretty good attorney if anyone ever needed one.”
The Cat rolls its eyes in a friendly (and rather disconcertingly out-of-sync) way, and asks, "Milk, dark, or white chocolate?"
“Milk,” Phoenix said without hesitation. He and Maya had actually had this argument. Phoenix was firmly on the side of milk chocolate, while Maya had said that it wasn’t fair to just pick one, and that you should eat as many different kinds of chocolate as you can.
"'Choose the two coolest: robots, pirates, fairies, bears, ninjas, monkeys, vampires, or humans,'" says Mickey, giggling a bit as he goes through the list. "'Explain.'"
“Well. I guess…” He paused. “Uh, well, I’d need to see all the evidence before I could decide.”
"Great!" Mickey flips through the blank pages of the notebook at top, cartoon-y speed. "Well, I think that's just about it! Oh, and I'm supposed to ask, 'for your safety: are you carrying anything sharp?'"
“Well, my Defense Attorney’s Badge has a pin on the back of it so it’ll stay on my snazzy suit, but it’s not really sharp enough to hurt anyone."
((Phoenix is from the Ace Attorney series, he is taken from a bit after the end of game three, when Pearl and Maya signed the three of them up for "Special Spirit Medium Training." Permission received from Pearl and Gumshoe
Also, this is probably obvious, but just so I know I've cleared it up, anything in parenthesis is Phoenix's own thoughts.))