Jensen Time...

Oct 15, 2022 15:52

I've finally got around to watching the first episode of The WInchesters.

What can I say?  (Hopefully not spoilery)

It definitely has a Supernatural 'feel' to it with regards to the mood and the cinematography.  I haven't really clicked with any of the characters yet, and tbh, Mary's getting on my nerves a bit, but hopefully I'll get used to her.  I'll definitely watch for a few more weeks to see if it really grabs me as time goes on.  I'm looking forward to finding out more about the Men of Letters lore.

But in the meantime, at least it gave us a brief glimpse of our much-loved, much-missed Dean, and the rare treat of a clean-shaven Jensen!

extreme prettiness, dean winchester, jensen time, fangirl down, jensen

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