Happy post: Thank you!

Jan 07, 2022 22:06

Sorry I'm a little bit late with this, but we only took our Christmas decorations down on Wednesday, so I've only just had the chance to collect all my cards together and thank all my amazing fandom friends for them!

julchen11, jdl71, stellamira, andiivalo, sasha_dragon, amberdreams, kiramaru7, 999alena, xlittleangx, sillie82, casey28, dean_hugs_sammy, meazrael_64, deanshot, theymp (and his lovely daughter, Lily), heavenli24, edina_clouds128, supernutjapan, and my non-Lj friends, Wendy, Jacq, Malou, Natalie and Chris, Stephanie, and I even got a card from June's sisters.

Thank you for all the various stickers and pictures and treats that were in the cards, and for my lovely presents including some cute badges, a journal, and a pack of Supernatural tarot cards!

I've been a very lucky dizzojay!  *hugs you all*

Apologies if I missed anyone, it's not because I didn't appreciate your card, it'll be because I've got a head like a sieve!

christmas, happy post, happy dizzo, fandom friends

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